Part 392 (1/2)

HAIT, _part. pa._ Called.

V. ~Hat~.

HAIT, _s._ A whit.

V. ~Hate~.

HAITH, a minced oath, S.

_A. Nicol._

HAKE, _s._ A frame for cheeses.

V. ~Hack~.

_To_ HALD, _v. a._ To hold, S. _had_.


Moes. G. A. S. _hald-an_, Isl. _halld-a_.

1. _To hald again_, to resist, S.

2. _To hald by_, to pa.s.s, S.

3. _To hald dayis_.

V. ~Dayis~.

4. _To hald gaain_, to go on, S.

Belg. _gaande houd-en_, id.

5. _To hald in_, to supply, S.

6. _To hald in_, not to leak, S.

7. _To hald in_, to spare, S.


8. _To hald in with_, to curry favour, S.

9. _To hald still_, to stop, S.

Sw. _haalla stilla_, id.