Part 390 (1/2)
Su. G. _hugg-a_, to hack, and _snask-a_, to devour.
HAGGIES, _s._ A dish commonly made in a sheep's maw, of its lungs, heart and liver, minced with suet, onions, salt and pepper; or of oat-meal, mixed with the latter, without any animal food, S.
From _hag_, q. to chop.
HAICHES, _s._ Force, S. B.
V. ~Hauch~.
HAGMAN, _s._ A feller of wood, S.
HAGMANe _s._
V. ~Hogmanay~.
HAID, _s._ Whit.
V. ~Hate~.
_To_ HAIFF, HAIF, _v. a._ To have; _hae_, S.
To HAIG, _v. a._ To b.u.t.t, Moray.
_Popular Ball._
Isl. _hiack-a_, feritare, from _hoegg_, caedere.
_To_ HAIK, _v. n._ To anchor.
_Maitl. P._
Teut. _haeck-en_, unco figere.
_To_ HAIK, _v. n._ To go about idly from place to place, S.
Perhaps the same with E. _hawk_.