Part 380 (1/2)
Gr. ???, quicquid minutum est.
_To_ GRUB, _v. a._ To plant, or to prune.
Moes. G. _grab-an_, fodere, pret. _grob_.
_To_ GRUCH, _v. n._ To grudge.
~Gruching~, ~Growch~ _s._ Repining.
GRUFE, GROUFE. _On groufe_, flat, with the face towards the earth.
_To be on one's grufe_, to be in this manner, S.
Isl. _gruf-a_, cernuare; _a grufwa_, cernue; _liggia a grufu_, in faciem et pectus cubare.
~Grufelyngis~, ~Grulingis~, _adv._ In a grovelling att.i.tude.
_To_ GRUGGLE, _v. a._ To put any thing out of order by much handling, S.
V. ~Misgrugle~.
GRUGOUS, _adj._ Grim.
V. ~Gruous~.
GRUME, _s._ A man.
V. ~Grome~.
GRUMMEL, _s._ Mud, dregs, Ang.
Isl. _groml_, coenum, turbida aqua; Su. G. _grummel_, id.
~Grumly~, _adj._ Muddy, dreggy, Ang. _Gumlie_, S. O.