Part 369 (1/2)


Fr. _gauffr-er_, to adorn a garment with puffs.

GOURDED, _part. adj._ Gorged; applied to water when pent up, S. B.

V. ~Gurd~.

GOURIE, _s._ Garbage of salmon, Aberd.

Isl. _gor_, _gorr_, sanies.



V. ~Gurl~.

GOUSTY, _adj._

1. Desolate, dreary, S.


2. Ghostly, preternatural.

_Pop. Ball._

O. Fr. _gast_, wasteness, _guast-er_, to desolate.


1. Dark, wet, stormy, Dumfr.

Isl. _giostr_, ventus frigidus.

2. Frightful, ibid.

GOUTHERFOW, _adj._ Having the appearance of astonishment; staring wildly, Ang.

Isl. _galldr_, incantatio, q. _galldur-full_, under the power of incantation.

GOW, _s._ A halo; a cloudy, colourless circle surrounding the disk of the sun or moon, Ang.; _brugh_, synon.

Isl. _gyll_, parelion.