Part 367 (2/2)
2. A mean, griping person, Loth.
Isl. _gose_, servulus. Fr. _gossee_, one who is made a laughing- stock.
GOSSE, _s._ Abbrev. of _gossip_.
GOSSEP, GOSSOP, _s._ Gossip.
A. S. _G.o.dsib_, Su. G. _gudsif_. l.u.s.tricus; from _G.o.d_ and _sib_, one related by a religious tie.
~Gossiprie~, _s._ Intimacy.
_Mellvill's_ MS.
GO-SUMMER, _s._ The latter end of summer, S.
GOT, GOTE, _s._ A drain, S.
Belg. _gote_, _geute_, id. Su. G. _giut-a_, fluere.
GOUD, _s._ Gold, S.
V. ~Goldspink~.
GOUDIE, _s._ A blow, Ang.
Isl. _gud_, pugna.