Part 255 (1/2)

Su. G. _dunt_, ictus.

_To_ ~Dunt~, _v. n._ To palpitate.


~Dunt~, ~Dount~, _s._

1. A stroke causing a flat and hollow sound, S. O. E. id.

_Peblis to the Play._

2. Palpitation of the heart, S.


3. _At a dunt_, unexpectedly, Stirlings.

Isl. _dunt_, a stroke given to the back or breast, so as to produce a sound.

~Dunting~, _s._ Continued beating, causing a hollow sound, S.


DUNTER-GOOSE, _s._ The Eider duck.


Su. G. _dun_, down, and _taer-a_, to gnaw, because it plucks the down from its breast.

DUNTY, _s._ A doxy.

_Gl. Ramsay._


V. ~Doyn~.

DUR, DURE, _s._ Door.


A. S. _dure_, id.

DURGY, _adj._ Thick, gross, Loth.

Isl. _driug-r_, densus.