Part 240 (1/2)
2. Saucy, malapert, S.
3. Applied to a female who is saucy to her suitors, S.
4. Applied to plants, when difficult to rear, S. B.
Gael. _dorrda_, austere.
~Dortyness~, _s._ Pride, arrogance.
DOROTY, _s._
1. A doll, S.
2. A female of a very small size, S.
DOSK, _adj._ Dark-coloured.
DOSS, _adj._ Neat, spruce, Clydes.
Teut. _doss-en_, munire vestibus suffultis.
~Dost up~, _part. pa._ Dressed sprucely.
DOSS, _s._ A tobacco pouch, Aberd.
Isl. _dos_, Germ. _dose_, a box.
_To_ ~Doss~, ~Dossie down~, _v. a._ To pay, S.
DOTAT, _part. pa._ Endowed.