Part 204 (2/2)

~Cullionry~, _s._ The conduct of a poltroon.


CULLAGE, _s._ The characteristic marks of s.e.x.

Fr. _couille_, testes, &c. whence _couillage_, _culaige_, tributum a subditis matrimonio jungendis, domino exsolvendum.

CULLOCK, _s._ A species of sh.e.l.l-fish, Shetl.


CULMES, CULMEZ, _s._ A rural club.


CULPIT, _part. pa._ Leg. _cuplit_, coupled.


CULREACH, _s._ A surety given to a court, when one is repledged from it.

V. ~Repledge~.

_Quon. Attach._

Gael. _cul_, custody, and _reachd_, a law.

CULROUN, _s._ A rascal, a silly fellow.


Belg. _kul_, testiculus, and _ruyn-en_, castrare.

_To_ c.u.m _to_, _v. n._

1. To recover, S.


2. To make advancement in art, S.
