Part 191 (2/2)
COWLICK, _s._ A tuft of hair on the head, which cannot be made to lie in the same direction with the rest of the hair, S.
From its resemblance to hair _licked_ by a _cow_.
COWMACK, _s._ An herb supposed to have great virtue in making the cow desire the male, S. B.
COWMAN, _s._ A name for the devil, S.
V. ~Cow~, _s._
COWNTIR, _s._ Rencountre.
COWNTYR PALYSS, Contrary to.
Fr. _contrepale_, a term in heraldry, signifying that one _pale_ is opposed to another.
COWOID, _pret._ Convoyed. _Leg. conwoid_.
COWPES, COWPIS, _s. pl._ Baskets for catching fish, S.
_Acts Ja. III._
A. Bor. _coop_, id. Teut. _kuype_, septa.
COWPON, _s._ A fragment, a shred, S.
_R. Bruce._
Fr. _coupon_, L. B. _copo_, a piece cut off from a thing.
COWPER JUSTICE, Trying a man after execution; the same with _Jeddart_, or _Jedburgh justice_, S.