Part 174 (1/2)

Dan. _glunk_, the guggling of a narrow-mouthed pot or strait-necked bottle when it is emptying; Sw. _klunk-a_, to guggle.

CLUNKERS, _s. pl._ Dirt hardened in clots, so as to render a road, pavement, or floor unequal, S.

Germ. _clunkern_, a knot or clod of dirt.

CLUTE, _s._ The half of the hoof of any cloven-footed animal, S.


Germ. _cluft_, fissura, or A. S. _cleofed_, fissus.

CLUTTERING, _part. pr._ Doing any piece of business in an awkward and dirty way, S. B.

Teut. _kleuter-en_, tuditare.

COALS, _To bring over the coals_, to bring to a severe reckoning, S.


Referring, most probably, to the ordeal by fire.


1. A small boat, a yawl, S.

A. S. _couple_, navicula.


2. A larger kind of fis.h.i.+ng boat, S.

3. _Malt coble_, a place for steeping malt, in order to brewing, S.

Germ. _kubel_, a vat or tub.

_To_ COBLE, _v. a._ To steep malt.


COBWORM, _s._ The larva of the c.o.c.k-chaffer, Scarabaeus melolontha.

_Statist. Acc._