Part 165 (2/2)


2. To t.i.ttle-tattle, to tell tales, S.

Germ. _klatschen_, id.; _klatcherey_, idle talk.

~Clash~, _s._

1. t.i.ttle-tattle, prattle, S.

_Satan's Invis. World._

2. Vulgar fame, the story of the day, S.


_To_ CLASH, _v. a._ To pelt, to throw dirt, S.


Teut. _klets-en_, resono ictu verberare; Dan. _klatsk-er_, to flap.

~Clash~, _s._ A blow, a stroke, S.

Germ. _klatch_, id.

CLASH, _s._ A heap of any heterogeneous substances, S.

Isl. _klase_, rudis nexura, quasi congelatio.

CLASH, _s._ A cavity of considerable extent in the acclivity of a hill, S.

CLASPS, _s. pl._ An inflammation of the termination of the sublingual gland, a disease of horses, Border.


CLAT, _s._ Used as synon. with _clod_.

_Z. Boyd._

Teut. _klotte_, _kluyte_, id. gleba,
