Part 112 (1/2)
_To_ BREY, _v. a._ To terrify.
A. S. _breg-an_, id. probably allied to Sw. _bry_, to vex.
_To_ BREID, BREDE, _v. n._ To resemble.
V. ~Brade~, _v. 5_.
BREID, _s._ Breadth. _On breid_, broad, or in breadth.
A. S. _braed_; Su. G. _bredd_, id. _Brede_ occurs in O.E.
_R. Brunne._
BREYFE, BREVE, _s._ A writing.
A. S. _braue_, literae; Germ. _brief_, a letter; Isl. Su. G. _bref_, epistola, diploma; Fr. _brief_, _breve_, a writ. These are all from Lat.
_To_ ~Breif~, ~Breve~, ~Breue~, ~Brew~, _v. a._
1. To write, to commit to writing.
_Palace of Hon._
2. To compose.
Alem. _gebriaf-an_, scribere; Su. G. _bebref-wa_, literis confirmare.
L. B. _breviare_, in breves redigere.
BREIRD, _s._ The surface, the uppermost part, the top of any thing, as of liquids.
_Melvill's MS._
Evidently the same with ~Brerd~, q. v.