Part 109 (1/2)
Fr. _braverie_, id. from _braver_, to brave, to play the gallant.
1. A show, a pageant.
2. Finery in dress, S.
V. ~Braw~.
Fr. _bravete_, pour avoir de beaux habits; Gl. Roquefort.
BRAUL, BRAWL, _s._ The same as _Brangle_.
_Complaynt S._
Fr. _bransle_, _branle_.
BRAUs.h.i.+E, _adj._ Stormy.
V. ~Brash~, _v._
BRAW, BRA', _adj._
1. Fine, gaily dressed, S.
Teut. _brauwe_, ornatus, bellus; Fr. _brave_, id. Isl. _braer_, nitet, splendet.
2. Handsome, S.
3. Pleasant, agreeable, S.
_A. Nicol._
4. Worthy, excellent, S. _A braw man_, a worthy man, S.
Su. G. _braf_, bonus, praestans. _En braf man_, the very phrase still used by the vulgar in S. Germ. _brav_, id. _Braw_ is often used adverbially, as conjoined with the copulative: _Braw and able_, abundantly able for any work or undertaking; _Braw and weel_, in good health.