Part 100 (2/2)
_Palice Honour._
A. S. _bocsum_, _buhsum_, obediens, tractabilis, from _bug-an_, Belg. _buyg-en_, flectere.
2. ”Blythe, merry,” Rudd.
_To_ BOUT, BOWT, _v. n._ To spring, to leap, S. ”_bouted up_,” Rudd. vo.
Teut. _botten_, _op-bott-en_, to rebound, resilire.
BOUT, _s._ A sudden jerk in entering or leaving an apartment; a hasty entrance or departure; the act of coming upon one by surprise; S.
1. A circuitous road, a way which is not direct, S. from _about_, and _gait_ way.
2. A circ.u.mvention, a deceitful course, S.
_R. Bruce._
3. An ambiguity, or an equivocation, in discourse.
_Bp. Forbes._
BOW, _s._ A boll; a dry measure, S.
BOW, BOLL, LINTBOW, _s._ The globule which contains the seed of flax.
_Bow_ is the p.r.o.n. S.
Germ. _boll_, id. oculus et gemma plantae, caliculus ex quo flos erumpit; Wachter.