Part 68 (2/2)
Johnson. It is thus used in O. E.
BEVIE, _s._ A jog, a push, S. from the same source with _bevel_.
V. ~Baff~, _s._
V. ~Bevar~.
BEUCH, _s._ (gutt.) A bough, a branch, S.
A. S. _boga_, _boh_, id. from _bug-an_, to bend.
BEUCHIT, _part. pa._ (gutt.) Bowed, crooked, S.
A. S. _bug-an_, curvare.
BEUGH, _s._ (gutt.) A limb, a leg, Border.
Isl. _bog_, Alem. _puac_, Germ. _bug_, id. The term is applied both to man and to other animals. Both Ihre and Wachter view _bug-en_, to bend, as the origin; as it is by means of its joints that an animal bends itself.
BEUGLE-BACKED, _adj._ Crook-backed.
A. S. _bug-an_, to bow; Teut. _boechel_, gibbus. Germ. _bugel_, a dimin. from _bug_, denoting any thing curved or circular. It is undoubtedly the same word that is now p.r.o.nounced _boolie-backit_, S.
BEUKE, _pret. v._ Baked.
A. S. _boc_, pret. of _bac-an_, pinsere.
BEULD, _adj._ Bow-legged, Ang.; q. _beugeld_ from the same origin with _beugle_, in _Beugle-backed_, q. v.