Part 62 (2/2)
V. the _v._
BEMYNG, _s._ b.u.mming, buzzing.
BEN, _adv._
1. Towards the inner apartment of a house; corresponding to ~But~, S.
It is also used as a preposition, _Gae ben the house_, Go into the inner apartment.
A ~But~ _and a_ ~Ben~, S.; i. e. a house containing two rooms.
_Statist. Acc._
2. It is used metaph. to denote intimacy, favour, or honour. Thus it is said of one, who is admitted to great familiarity with another, who either is, or wishes to be thought his superior; _He is far ben_. ”_O'er far ben_, too intimate or familiar,” Gl. s.h.i.+rr.
Leg. as in edit. 1670, _far ben_.
A. S. _binnan_, Belg. _binnen_, intus, (within); _binnen-kamer_, locus secretior in penetralibus domus; Kilian. Belg. _binnen gaan_, to go within, S. _to gae ben_; _binnen brengen_, to carry within, S. _to bring ben_.
BEN-END, _s._
1. _The ben-end of a house_, the inner part of it, S.
2. Metaph., the best part of any thing; as, _the ben-end of one's dinner_, the part of it, S. B.
BEN-HOUSE, _s._ The inner or apartment, S.
BENNER, _adj._ A comparative formed from _ben_. Inner, S. B.
_Poems Buchan Dial._
BENMOST is used as a superlative, signifying innermost.