Part 55 (1/2)
BEFORN, _prep._ Before.
It occurs also in O. E.
_R. Brunne._
A. S. _beforan_, ante; coram.
BEFOROUTH, _adv._ Before, formerly.
V. ~Forowth~.
BEFT, _part. pa._ Beaten.
V. ~Beff~.
_To_ BEGARIE, _v. a._
1. To variegate, to deck with various colours.
2. To stripe, to variegate with lines of various colours, to streak.
_Begaryit_, striped, _part. pa._
3. To besmear; to bedaub, to bespatter. ”S. _begaried_, bedirted;” Rudd.
vo. ~Laggerit~.
This _v._ has an evident affinity to our _Gair_, _gare_, a stripe of cloth, and _Gaired_, _gairy_, q. v. The word is immediately allied to Fr. _begarr-er_, to diversify; _begarre_, of sundry colours, mingled.
BEGAIRIES, _s. pl._ Stripes or slips of cloth sewed on garments, by way of ornament, such as are now worn in liveries; _pessments_, S. synon.
_Acts Ja. VI._
BEGANE, _part. pa._ Covered; _Gold begane_, overlaid with gold.