Part 47 (1/2)

2. Pa.s.sionate, choleric. ”A _barmy_ quean,” a pa.s.sionate woman, S.

From E. _barm_, yeast.

BARMKYN, BERMKYN, _s._ The rampart or outermost fortification of a castle.


Fr. _barbacane_; or Teut. _barm_, a mound, with the termination _kin_.


1. Barons or n.o.blemen, collectively viewed. Old Fr.


2. A military company; including both chieftains and followers.


BARNAT, _adj._ Native.

_Our barnat land_, q. the land of our _barnheid_ or nativity.


BARNE, _s._ The same with _Barnage_.

Old Fr. _barnez_, n.o.bility.


BARNE, _s._ A child.

V. ~Bairn~.

BARNE, _s._ Apparently for _barme_, bosom.


BARNS-BREAKING, _s._ Any mischievous or injurious action; in allusion to the act of _breaking_ up a _barn_ for carrying off corn, S.


1. A barrier, an outwork at the gate of a castle.