Part 40 (2/2)
A. S. _bearn-team_, liberorum sobolis procreatio.
BAIRNS-PART _of_ ~Gear~, that part of a father's personal estate to which his children are ent.i.tled to succeed, and of which he cannot deprive them by any testament, or other gratuitous deed to take effect after his death, S.
BAIRNS-PLAY, _s._ The sport of children, S.
BAIRNS-WOMAN, _s._ A dry nurse, S.
BAIS, _adj._ Having a deep or hoa.r.s.e sound.
Fr. _bas_, E. _base_.
BAISDLIE, _adv._ In a state of stupefaction.
V. ~Bazed~.
BAISE, _s._ Haste, expedition, S. B.
Su. G. _bas-a_, citato gradu ire.
_To_ BAISS, _v. a._ To sew slightly, S.
Fr. _bast-ir_, E. _baste_.
_To_ BAIST, _v. a._ To overcome, S. B.
Isl. _beyst-a_, ferire.
BAIST, _s._ One who is struck by others, especially in the sports of children, S. B.
BAISTIN, _s._ A drubbing, S.