Part 25 (1/2)
Franc. _arn_ spica.
ARNUT, LOUSY ARNOT, _s._ Tall oat-gra.s.s or pignut; Bunium bulbocastanum, or flexuosum, Linn. S.
A. Bor.
Corr. from _earth-nut_.
ARR, _s._ A scar, S. A. Bor. _Pock-arrs_, the marks left by the small-pox, S. Lancash.
Su. G. _aerr_, Isl. _aer_, cicatrix.
ARRED, _part. adj._ Scarred, having the marks of a wound or sore.
Hence, _Pock arred_, marked by the small-pox, S.
Dan. _arred_ cicatrised; Isl. _aerra_ cicatrices facere.
V. ~Aras~.
ARRONDELL, _s._ The swallow, a bird.
Fr. _arondelle_, _hirondelle_, from Lat. _hirundo_, id., _s._ A hot pimple on the face or any part of the body, S. B.
The term seems originally to have been confined to pimples on the hips; synon. with Teut. _aers bleyne_, tuberculus in ano.
a.r.s.eENE, _s._ The quail.
A. S. _aerschen_, coturnix, also _erschenn_, from _ersc_ and _henn_, q. gallina vivarii.
a.r.s.eLINS, _adv._ Backwards, Clydes. S. B.