Part 9 (1/2)
_A_ in the sense of _on_, and _gait_, a way.
AGATIS, _adv._ In one way, uniformly.
_A_, one, and _gatis_ the plur. or genit. of A. S. _gat_, a way.
AGEE, A-JEE, _adv._
1. To one side, S. _To look agye_, to look aside, Gl. Yorks.
2. A-jar, a little open, S.
From _a_ on, and _jee_, to move, to turn.
_To_ AGENT, _v. a._ To manage, whether in a court of law, or by interest, S.
_To_ AGGRISE, _v. a._ To affright, to fill with horror. _Agryse_, Chaucer, to shudder, to make to shudder.
A. S. _agrys-an_, horrere.
AGLEY, A-GLY, _adv._ Off the right line, obliquely, wrong, S.
V. ~Gley~.
AGRUFE, _adv._ In a flat or grovelling position, S.
V. ~Grufe~.
AGWET, _s._ The name anciently given to the hill on which the castle of Edinburgh stands.