Part 14 (1/2)
What little girl does not love a doll? The more variety in their size and style the better pleased is she. Below are a number of suggestions for simple home-made dollies that may be prepared as a birthday or other surprise by older brothers or sisters.
=1.= =Clay-Pipe Doll=
Ink in the eyes, nose and mouth on the back of the bowl of a pipe; dress in calico gown and ap.r.o.n, and put on a sunbonnet to conceal the top of the pipe.
=2.= =Clothespin Doll=
Ink features upon the head of the clothespin and clothe as either boy or girl.
=3.= =Wishbone Doll= (_Wishbone_, _sealing-wax_, _material for trousers_)
Clothe the two limbs in trousers and ink in the features upon the flat joining bone. Feet may be made of sealing wax melted, pressed into shape and attached while still warm.
=4.= =Peanut Doll= (_Peanuts_, _sewing-silk_, _glue_, _thread and needle_, _silk for dress_)
Make into Chinese doll. Take one peanut and ink in the features, making the eyes slanting. Glue on a queue of braided silk. String together several peanuts to make the body. To the upper one add on each side one or two as arms and string several together to make legs. Dress in wide-sleeved jacket and wide-legged trousers of Oriental design.
=5.= =Yarn Doll= (_Skein of white cotton yarn_)
Cut the skein into lengths of 12 inches. Double the skein over in the middle and tie a string tight around about two inches from the top, forming a neck and so making the head. Tie another string further down for a waist line, but leave out a few threads on each side, of which to make two arms. Tie these near the ends to indicate wrists. Before tying the wrists cut the threads to right lengths for arms. The features may be put in with ink.
=6.= =Cork Doll= (_16 or more corks saved from olive bottles, etc._, _smooth wire or hairpins--three in number_)
String several corks upon the wire or hairpin for head and body. Through the second cork from the top run a hairpin sideways for arms, and fasten two corks upon each projecting end, cutting off any of the wire that may extend beyond the cork. Through the lower cork of the body run another hairpin and fasten two corks upon it for legs. Turn the end corks sideways to suggest feet. Dress the doll as desired.
=7.= =Paper Doll= (_Fas.h.i.+on papers and catalogues_, _scissors_, _paint_, _paste_)
Most little girls find great pleasure in making their own paper dollies and the garments therefor. Fas.h.i.+on papers and catalogues afford many dolls for cutting out, and tissue paper, crinkled paper, the lace paper found in candy boxes, etc., form the raw material for beautiful Parisian gowns.
Dolls may of course be cut out of white paper and beautiful countenances painted upon them, or holes may be cut in the head for eyes, nose and mouth.
=8.= =Rag Doll= (_White cotton cloth_, _cotton batting_, _paints_, _scissors_, _needle_, _thread_, _water-color paints or blueing and red ink_, _raveled rope_, _etc._)
Cut a large newspaper pattern of a doll. Then double the cloth, pin the pattern upon it and cut the two sides for the doll. Run neatly around with close st.i.tches, beginning at the neck, and when nearly finished turn inside out, stuff with the cotton batting, and sew up the head.
Paint in the features or use blueing for eyes and red ink for mouth and cheeks. Ravelings of rope will make silky hair, and fingers may be indicated by st.i.tches.
=1.= =Cigar-Box House= (_Small cigar-box_, _paste_, _scissors_, _pictures_, _etc._)
A cigar-box, small as it is, will give great delight to a child who is aided in furnis.h.i.+ng a little room. Stand the box up on the long side.