Part 9 (1/2)
”Why didn't you come, Mr. Winterborne?” she said. ”I've been waiting there hours and hours, and at last I thought I must try to find you.”
”Bless my soul, I'd quite forgot,” said Giles.
What he had forgotten was that there was a thousand young fir-trees to be planted in a neighboring spot which had been cleared by the wood-cutters, and that he had arranged to plant them with his own hands. He had a marvellous power of making trees grow. Although he would seem to shovel in the earth quite carelessly, there was a sort of sympathy between himself and the fir, oak, or beech that he was operating on, so that the roots took hold of the soil in a few days.
When, on the other hand, any of the journeymen planted, although they seemed to go through an identically similar process, one quarter of the trees would die away during the ensuing August.
Hence Winterborne found delight in the work even when, as at present, he contracted to do it on portions of the woodland in which he had no personal interest. Marty, who turned her hand to anything, was usually the one who performed the part of keeping the trees in a perpendicular position while he threw in the mould.
He accompanied her towards the spot, being stimulated yet further to proceed with the work by the knowledge that the ground was close to the way-side along which Grace must pa.s.s on her return from Hintock House.
”You've a cold in the head, Marty,” he said, as they walked. ”That comes of cutting off your hair.”
”I suppose it do. Yes; I've three headaches going on in my head at the same time.”
”Three headaches!”
”Yes, a rheumatic headache in my poll, a sick headache over my eyes, and a misery headache in the middle of my brain. However, I came out, for I thought you might be waiting and grumbling like anything if I was not there.”
The holes were already dug, and they set to work. Winterborne's fingers were endowed with a gentle conjuror's touch in spreading the roots of each little tree, resulting in a sort of caress, under which the delicate fibres all laid themselves out in their proper directions for growth. He put most of these roots towards the south-west; for, he said, in forty years' time, when some great gale is blowing from that quarter, the trees will require the strongest holdfast on that side to stand against it and not fall.
”How they sigh directly we put 'em upright, though while they are lying down they don't sigh at all,” said Marty.
”Do they?” said Giles. ”I've never noticed it.”
She erected one of the young pines into its hole, and held up her finger; the soft musical breathing instantly set in, which was not to cease night or day till the grown tree should be felled--probably long after the two planters should be felled themselves.
”It seems to me,” the girl continued, ”as if they sigh because they are very sorry to begin life in earnest--just as we be.”
”Just as we be?” He looked critically at her. ”You ought not to feel like that, Marty.”
Her only reply was turning to take up the next tree; and they planted on through a great part of the day, almost without another word.
Winterborne's mind ran on his contemplated evening-party, his abstraction being such that he hardly was conscious of Marty's presence beside him. From the nature of their employment, in which he handled the spade and she merely held the tree, it followed that he got good exercise and she got none. But she was an heroic girl, and though her out-stretched hand was chill as a stone, and her cheeks blue, and her cold worse than ever, she would not complain while he was disposed to continue work. But when he paused she said, ”Mr. Winterborne, can I run down the lane and back to warm my feet?”
”Why, yes, of course,” he said, awakening anew to her existence.
”Though I was just thinking what a mild day it is for the season. Now I warrant that cold of yours is twice as bad as it was. You had no business to chop that hair off, Marty; it serves you almost right.
Look here, cut off home at once.”
”A run down the lane will be quite enough.”
”No, it won't. You ought not to have come out to-day at all.”
”But I should like to finish the--”
”Marty, I tell you to go home,” said he, peremptorily. ”I can manage to keep the rest of them upright with a stick or something.”
She went away without saying any more. When she had gone down the orchard a little distance she looked back. Giles suddenly went after her.
”Marty, it was for your good that I was rough, you know. But warm yourself in your own way, I don't care.”