Part 20 (1/2)
”There are three arrows beside my bed. I can send them in with a crossbow when you need it...”
I give her a bewildered look. Is she crazy? Or am I? Am I really supposed to shoot wooden arrows at immortal angels who can easily kill me with a wave of their hands?
”The arrows' toxin is fatal to Light-angels, too...not just Dark-angels.”
Shaking my head again, I glance at Kieron from the corner of my eye, wondering if he can hear her too. It's hard to tell from his expression, his hard glare remains fixed on the four loathsome creatures. Great.
”What is it you want?” Kieron asks them, a.s.serting himself beside me.
The leader looks at him and scoffs. ”Ah, I see the wayward boyfriend has finally returned. Guess this means no more fun for us, huh, Liora? Too bad. I love the sweet way you taste when you're giving yourself to me-”
”Don't-” I throw out my arm, blocking Kieron from charging forward. I meet the leader's gaze and hold it steady, Tatiana's words ringing through my mind. ” that your name?”
He narrows his eyes as the other three exchange looks of disdain. ”Like you really don't know.”
”No,” I reply. ”No, I really don't know. I've never seen you before in my life. And you've never seen me. You've only seen a sh.e.l.l of me. A sleeping facade hiding my great and terrible power. Believe me when I tell you that you don't want me to show you what it is.” The b.a.l.l.s of purple and orange flames jump around in my palms, growing to the size of basketb.a.l.l.s.
”...I a.s.sume you're here for a reason,” I continue, my eyes never wavering from Tristan's. ”Now I suggest you tell me what that reason is.” I raise my arm, ready to throw the fire.
”Do you really think those pathetic fireb.a.l.l.s will work on us, you disgusting little demon-?”
”Ca.s.sie, be quiet!” Tristan barks, his gaze still locked on mine. He seems to be searching my eyes for something...some sign of weakness, or recognition perhaps.
Well, he won't find either here.
He raises an eyebrow and lifts his finger. The fireb.a.l.l.s in my palms die away as quickly as they were formed, and my hands feel unnaturally cold. ”Let's keep things civil for now, shall we? We came for that,” he nods over to the glowing Boumeaux. ”And for you...well, the other you. It's the only way we can cross into your realm-”
”Wait a minute-” I hold up a chilled finger. Despite my alarm at being so easily disarmed, I can't stop the nervous laughter that forms at the base of my throat. ”Are you trying to say that you want to break into Thiberoux, and you want me to help you do it?”
”It's the only way we can cross the plane between worlds. Once we've pa.s.sed, the gates will be forever open to us and your evil race will be destroyed once and for all.”
I turn to Kieron and raise my eyebrows. ”Tempting, isn't it?”
”We still have friends there, Lucky.”
”I don't. The only one I ever cared about is gone, courtesy of the Legionare. We've been forever banished, with no hope for return. Maybe I should just let them-”
Kieron grabs my arm and pulls me closer. ”Do you really think it will be better with them running the show? Think about it. Do you really want to be the one responsible for unleas.h.i.+ng Armageddon on the world?”
”Well, it's bound to happen someday, sooner or later. At least we won't have to worry about being in the way-”
”The whole world will be in the way! Use your head, Lucky. You may want revenge now, but this is the worst thing you could possibly do.”
”You must think of your future, Lucky. It's brighter and bigger than you realize. You are so important. Stay safe. Do not give up on your world just yet...”
Okay...That's it. I know for a fact I'm hearing her voice loud and clear in my mind. I flash a quizzical glance at Tatiana, who just sits there with the same contented smile on her face. Then she gives me a tiny wink. I can't believe she never told me she was a telepath before.
I shake my head and turn back to Kieron. His face is hard as his eyes bore into mine. I stare at him wordlessly before turning again to Tristan.
”Say I do help you to do this. What's in it for me? What can I expect in return?”
The four angels look at each other and start laughing. ”There's no bargaining to be done here, silly demon,” Tristan replies with a smile. ”You will do as you're told or we kill the old woman.”
I shrug disinterestedly. ”So kill her. What do I care? Only Liora gives a hoot about the crazy ol' broad. Me, I wouldn't mind having the place to myself.”
I toss my shoulders back, feigning nonchalance, secretly pleased by the brief flashes of confusion on the four hideous faces. Obviously, if they so much as breathe hard in Tatiana's direction, I'll hit them with everything I've got. Plus, Kieron has his Latros training, and Tatiana's powers are second to none. If these Light-angels think they're the ones in charge here, they better think again.
The one named Ca.s.sie steps forward, her pouty lips curled into a snarl. ”I know what you're thinking. You think that you can fight us and win. Well, maybe you can, and maybe you can't. But know this...We know who you are and where you live. And by we, I don't just mean the four of us. We are many. So many, we could block out the sun if we all spread our wings at once. And we all know about you. We know you are weak. We know you are vulnerable-”
”And what if I refuse?”
The four angels look at me, and slowly their bodies begin to transform from the fleshy color of humans to a glowing, opaque white brilliance.
”Okay, okay...stop.” I catch my breath and look to Kieron for help.
Kieron presses his lips together and shakes his head. ”Don't do it,” he whispers.
”I have to give them what they want. It's four against two. We're outnumbered,” I hiss back. ”Plus, we're not exactly at our strongest.”
He looks at me intently, and Tatiana's voice curls through my mind.
”You must fight them. Be ready. You are strong.”
I glance at Tatiana. She has a knowing smile on her face. ”So what exactly is your plan?” I ask, turning to Tristan again. ”Do you think the Portal to Thiberoux is just some magical doorway that can be opened with the proper jewelry and escort?”
He shakes his head and takes a step toward Tatiana, resting his hand on her shoulder. I seethe inwardly at the sight of his filthy paws on her, but remain stoic. ”We've recently discovered an abundance of the stones nearby, enough for our entire flock, and then some. What we need from you are the exact locations of the Portals and the secret words to gain entry.”
”You can't get in there, though. Thiberoux is for Dark-angels only. You don't see us trying to get in to wherever you douchebags hold your little k.u.mbaya gatherings and play your harps and whatever else it is you do.”
”Maybe that's the way it was at one point, but things are about to change. Starting now. Take us to the Portal. Once we've broken the seal you won't be needed any longer.”
”And then what?” I ask. ”What will you do with us then?”
He lifts his hand off Tatiana and moves closer to me, the smug smile still on his deformed face. More than anything I want to hurl a fireball at him and make his head explode like a watermelon hurled from a skysc.r.a.per. ”That depends. I'm a little curious as to why you are so strong right now. You'd become quite pliable under my spell lately...even in your demon form, I hadn't expected so much resistance.” He places a finger to the side of his lips and appraises me thoughtfully. ”I was going to let you live...I'm sure you would come in handy for other things down the line. But if you prove to be more trouble than you're worth-”
”What about me?” Kieron asks.
Tristan looks him up and down with bored disdain. ”You? You're nothing. An inconsequential distraction for Liora or whatever she wants to call herself. But she cares for you, so that makes you our leverage. If she doesn't comply, we hurt you. It's that simple.”
”And what about me?” Tatiana speaks, surprising all of us.
Tristan turns back to her. ”Well, if Liora is a good girl and does as she's told, maybe you get to live a while longer. If she disobeys or is too much of a ha.s.sle, perhaps I'll just have to take you as payment for my troubles.”
Tatiana closes her eyes, and a slow smile spreads across her lips. In this moment, it occurs to me that they have no idea who they're dealing with...that Tatiana is a witch. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so cavalier in their treatment of her. They may technically have Kieron and me backed into a corner, because there are four of them and two of us, and with our powers being somewhat equal, we are admittedly at a disadvantage.
But they obviously don't know about my secret weapon. And as I see Tatiana's lips begin to move in a silent chant, I smile, realizing they're about to find out.