Part 6 (1/2)

He brushes his windblown hair away from his face and leans against the wall. As I get closer, he slowly runs his gaze up the full length of my body, and a half-grin tugs at the corner of his mouth. A light flutter of chills races down my spine, but not like when I first saw him. These are more of the 'excited chills' variety.

”Wanna play hooky? I got us off campus for the rest of the afternoon,” he says coyly.

”How'd you do that? And why?” I ask, not unhappily. School is still utter torture and such a complete waste of time. Some days I manage to get through okay, but other days are nearly intolerable. Today is one of those days. I need a distraction. I need something to skip my brain out of repeat, out of dwelling on Kieron...of replaying every moment we ever shared together... every word he ever said to me.

Tristan shrugs and flashes a charming smile. ”Why ask why? We're free. Just go with it.”

I laugh and nod my head. ”Just let me say bye to Corrine real quick.”

I choose to ignore the questioning disapproval in her eyes when I tell her I'm taking off with Tristan. Things have been kinda weird between us lately, and I don't want problems. She's still my friend. Other than Tristan, my only friend...I certainly don't want to lose her. But right now Tristan gives me something that she can't. Something I need.


After a quick stop at our lockers, Tristan and I head for the parking lot. The air is cool but the sun is s.h.i.+ning through the wispy layers of clouds. I can't wait for winter to be over-spring cannot come soon enough. Then I can graduate, and I'll be free from this prison once and for all.

Just thinking about something as innocent as hating school makes me think of Kieron. Like the expression ”all roads lead to Rome”, all my thoughts go back to him. I remember how he'd confided to me how much it hurt him to be in school. Physically hurt him, not just mentally like it does me. Since Dove Creek High School resides on sacred grounds, anytime Kieron crossed its boundaries he told me it felt like he was being stung all over by hundreds of bees. The only way he could tone it down some was to project a strong mental s.h.i.+eld around himself. Strangely enough, the side effect of this was that everyone became more attracted to him, as if they were being sucked in by his powerful, protective force. I'd been immune to some extent, but apparently not enough. Not an hour that I don't think of him, no matter how hard I try. Why would someone who willingly subjected himself to physical pain just to be with me, leave and never come back? It just doesn't make any sense.

”What's wrong?” Tristan asks as he opens the car door for me.

I fake a smile. ”Nothing.”

”You're thinking about him, aren't you?” he asks softly as he settles in beside me.

I shrug and look out the window. Tristan pushes a b.u.t.ton and the top of the car retracts, noiselessly tucking itself in the trunk. I feel better already. Normally I don't much like being inside a car. I blame it on Lucky-she hates them with a pa.s.sion. But riding along with Tristan, the top down, my hair blowing in the breeze...I feel free.

Once we hit the highway heading out of town, I remember my earlier plan to go to the cemetery and read from Kieron's poetry book. But now, I brush aside any guilt I had about spending so much time with Tristan. Maybe this is how it's supposed to be. Maybe I should just be with a nice, normal boy like Tristan, not a demon bounty hunter who had once planned to kill me.

The wind rushes around me as the Jag sails down the open road, and my long hair whips my face. Without thinking, I pull it back in a high ponytail and start twisting it into a makes.h.i.+ft bun.

Tristan glances over at me and does a double take. He automatically reaches his hand over. ”Whoa, that's a cool tat. Didn't know you had one-”

I quickly jerk away before his hand reaches me, frantically letting my hair fall back down and clasping my fingers tight around the back of my neck. What was I thinking? How could I be so stupid? If Tristan had actually touched my Mark...felt how hotly it burned compared to the rest of my skin...

He laughs at my hostile reaction. ”What's wrong? Don't you like it?”

”I hate it.” I grit my teeth and look away.

”Well, I think it looked pretty cool, from what I saw. I've never seen a design like that before. And the color was so bright and fresh looking...did you just get it?”

I roll my eyes, knowing he can't see me. The Mark of my sire, branded at my birth. But it's not like I can just come out and tell him that. ”Yeah. I was drunk a few months ago and got it on a dare. Really stupid. I'm hoping to have it removed soon.”

”Well, I like it. And it's not very conspicuous, hidden beneath your hair like that. I'd keep it if I were you. ”

I don't say anything and stare straight ahead, my hair flying in every direction. With a deep sigh, I pull it back again and twist it up in a high knot on my head. He's already seen it; the damage has already been done. As long as he never actually touches it, I should be fine.

I catch his eyes smiling at me, and my stomach does that annoying jumpy thing that until now had only happened when I was with Kieron. I know, more than anything, it's important that Tristan never touches me on my neck...or anywhere, for that matter. I know it's important he never gets too close to me, physically or emotionally.

But I can't help hoping he will.

Chapter 8. Liora.

Suddenly, Tristan takes a surprising turn.

”Wait...we're going back to the mines?” I exclaim.


I close my eyes, thinking how Tatiana will tear me a new one when I get home. I should tell Tristan to take me back, but I'm a little embarra.s.sed to tell him I'm not allowed to go there. Besides, my curiosity is aroused.

”Why do you want to go there?”

”You'll see.” His face is stoic as he stares straight ahead. He cuts off the main road to Flintridge and down a narrower, lesser-used path. The sporty convertible bounces over the b.u.mpy road, and dust flies everywhere. I cover my mouth with my hand and try not to cough.

”What're you doing? This isn't the way!”

Tristan glances over at me and smirks. ”I'm sure the main route is still blocked off. This is a service entrance... we can sneak in from the side. It's a strategy I'm quite fond of...”


He glances around but doesn't say anything, just drums his fingers on the steering wheel. Yellow patches of weeds spot the acres of surrounding dirt as the blackened mountain looms closer, but other than a few wooden structures and an abandoned Chevy pick-up truck, the road ahead is clear. Soon we're climbing up the backside of the mine hill.

”What do you mean you're fond of a sneaky strategy?” I ask again. I like Tristan and I trust him. But he's kinda weirding me out right now.

”If you want to get to something that's difficult to reach, sometimes the indirect approach is best. If attention is focused in one direction, come at it from another.” He turns to me and grins, raising an eyebrow. ”Strike where they aren't expecting it,” he adds cryptically.

I continue to stare at him. Finally he chuckles softly and rests his hand on my knee. ”Relax. I just figured it's best to come this way and avoid the ha.s.sle. Everyone is focused on the front part of the mine. That's why we're going in the back. Don't worry; it'll be fine. Promise.”

”Who says I'm worried?” I ask with false bravado. But the truth is, I am worried. Worried about what Tatiana will do when she realizes I've disobeyed her. And I'm even more concerned about why Tristan would want to come here in the first place.

We soon reach a small clearing at the top of the hill, and Tristan brings the car to a halt. He parks, and we get out. As he walks over to me, I glance at his face, handsome despite its imperfection. Nervous excitement flushes through me.

”So, mind telling me what exactly it is we're doing here?” I ask. He takes me by the arm and ushers me toward an old set of train tracks leading directly into the side of the barren mountain. Up ahead is an overturned wooden cart used to ferry the men in and out of the mine. Various tools and lunch boxes lie scattered, as if they'd been abandoned in a hurry and without a second thought. We're totally alone.

”Come on, I'll show you,” he urges and reaches for my hand. Together we enter a wide, carved out tunnel. It's cold and dark, but Tristan finds a panel and turns on some overhead lights. They're not bright, but it's enough to see.

”Have you been here before?” I ask. He seems to know his way around.

”Actually, yeah. So don't worry. We'll be fine.”

I feel better. Being with Tristan has a way of making me feel nothing bad can happen. And it's sorta exciting, sneaking inside an abandoned mine when I should be sitting in Trig, bored out of my skull.

”How far are we gonna go? I ask, as he takes us deeper and deeper inside. Strange humming noises are coming from the walls, and for the first time in my life I wonder if I might be a little claustrophobic.

”Not much longer,” he says. He kicks at a piece of black rock on the ground and leans over to grab it. He holds the s.h.i.+ny lump in his hand and holds it up for inspection. ”Isn't it amazing that something that looks so insignificant controls so much of our lives, without our even realizing it?”