Part 16 (1/2)



Hooker to Housewife

Sweet Dreams

Chantal stood in the mirror, admiring what a vision of perfection she was. She had never seen a more gorgeous bride. With her full spread layout in InStyle magazine she would be the envy of all grown women and little girls everywhere. Chantal's chic chignon hairstyle and super-sized diamond earrings perfectly complemented her white strapless gown that clasped every curve in her hour-gla.s.s figure. Chantal's stylist came over and made the final touches to her makeup and it was show time.

”Chantal, are you ready?” Shari asked, as she grabbed her best friend's delicate hand.

”Definitely,” Chantal said with pure confidence.

”Before we go out there and you face all those people I want to tell you something. Chantal, I truly love you. You're the sister I never had. To see you standing here looking like a princess is unbelievable. We've been through so much together and I know you truly love Andre and that you're going to make him a wonderful wife. We joke a lot about landing that one sponsor who will change our life forever, but I know you and I know your heart. Andre is the only man that you've ever given your heart to and one day he'll realize just how lucky he is to have a gem like you.” The two women held each other in a deep embrace, not noticing that Kenny was standing in the entrance of the door.

”Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt but can I speak to Chantal alone for a minute.”

”What's up, Kenny? Don't tell me that Andre is running late. Everyone is waiting for us.”

”Can I speak to you alone, Chantal?” he repeated, not cracking a smile. Shari could sense that something was wrong but remained unruffled for Chantal.

”Whatever you have to tell me you can say it in front of Shari. She's family.”

”I'd much rather tell you in private.”

”Chantal, it's not a problem, I'll be right outside,” Shari said, making her way to the door.

”No, you stay right here, Shari. I want you to hear what Kenny has to say.” Kenny glanced at Shari and then back at Chantal. He so wanted to get the whole thing over with that he wasn't about to go back and forth about if Shari was staying or not. Plus, he figured she would need her girlfriend to console her after the news he was about to break.

”I'm going to come right out with it, Chantal: Andre won't be showing up here today. He can't go through with the wedding,” Kenny stated matter-offactly.

”There must be some mistake. You never liked me, Kenny, and now you're trying to ruin my wedding day. But this isn't funny. There are hundreds of people waiting for me to walk down the isle. Andre would never leave me standing at the altar.” The s.h.i.+vering of Chantal's lips and the twitching of what seemed to be her entire face made Shari and Kenny stand there frozen.

”Chantal, calm down. Andre sent me because he didn't' want to see the pain in your face when he broke your heart. He explained everything in a letter that is waiting at home for you.”

”A letter, a f.u.c.king letter! This isn't happening to me! Andre loves me, he really does. We belong together. No one will ever love Andre the way that I do. He has to marry me. What will I tell Melanie?” Chantal was now sitting on the floor, rocking back and forth. Shari ran to her side and laid her head on Chantal's shoulder, trying to carry some of her pain. At that moment Kenny had not only broken Chantal's heart but Shari's too.

”Chantal, I'm so sorry,” Kenny said sincerely.

”Where is he, Kenny? Tell me where Andre is?”

”He took a flight out early this morning. He said he would call you later to make sure you're alright.” Before Kenny could say another word, Chantal scurried past him with vengeance in her eyes.

As T-Roc drove down Sunset Boulevard he got the call he'd been waiting for. ”h.e.l.lo. Tell me something good.”

”How about I tell you something great,” his most trusted informant replied.

”That's even better.”

”Meet me at our usual spot in an hour.”

”What for, you can't tell me over the phone?”

”The skeleton we hoped to drag out of the closet on your enemy Andre turned out to be a full-fledged grave. This information is so explosive I have to see the expression on your face when I reveal all.”

”Say no more. I'm on the way.” T-Roc made a U-turn in the middle of the street, smiling at the thought of finally bringing Andre down once and for all.

Tyler finally believed that her heart was at peace. For so long, true love eluded her and she was suppressing the pink inside-out of fear that she would once again be left blindsided by a man's deception. But her love for Andre and his love for her was the key that unlocked all of her inhibitions.

”I can't believe I'm here with you right now. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world,” Tyler beamed, as she hugged and kissed Andre.

”You are the luckiest girl and I'm the luckiest guy,” he said, rubbing the tip of his nose against the tip of hers. ”Although I would love to sit here and debate who is luckier, we need to get dressed and catch this flight. I can't wait to get you on that island and make love to you every day and every night. Not only do I want to make love, but I'm hoping that we'll make a baby. Does that sound like a plan to you?”

”Actually that doesn't sound like a plan at all,” Tyler said s.h.i.+fting her body on the couch so her back was now turned away from Andre.