35 Yummy Garlic (1/2)
The number of gla.s.ses she had to carry made Yoona want to cry. Despite her troubles, she continuously smiled while placing each drink to its customer.
None of them said thank you. Something she expected.
”Are you ladies ready to order?” She asked.
”Yes,” a nasally voiced female said. She pointed to the menu with her perfectly manicured index finger. ”A porterhouse steak please.”
The rest of them voiced their orders as well. However, anyone in the room could notice their condescending tone when talking to Yoona. Slowly, their impression of the new owner slowly diminished, replaced with distaste. n.o.body would want a b.i.t.c.h as their superior, no matter how pretty and rich they were.
”Thank you. To confirm, the lady in the far right ordered a porterhouse steak-.” Just before she could get to the other orders, she felt water splash against her skin.
For the second day in a row, she was intentionally covered in water for the sake of mockery. How wonderful.
”Oh my goodness!” One of the girls said. She covered her giggling mouth with her two hands. ”I am so sorry about that sweetie!”
Anyone could tell that her actions were deliberate. The execution was terrible. Eunha scoffed, p.i.s.sed off at how rude they were being.
Yoona acted as if nothing happened. Despite the clear wet spot right in the smack of her s.h.i.+rt, she calmly walked away.
Jaeun was shocked to see the change in Yoona's behavior. At school the girl would talk back, and although she seemed confident, it was clear that she wasn't. As her former best friend, Jaeun knew Yoona the best.
But today was different. Something was off.
Jaeun looked around, her eyes piercing like a hawk. She needed to find the source of this sudden confidence. There had do be a change in Yoona's life to make this switch and she had a feeling it would be here.
Once she met the burning gaze of a short-haired girl, Jaeun knew what the problem was. A cold smirk appeared on her face as she lifted up her index finger to point.
”Get rid of that short boy. I want her to serve me instead.”
Eunha was ready to pull up her sleeves. She did not like the way this girl talked to her! She was a human as well, an equal being, not a bug!
Yoona could not believe that Jaeun was now targeting her best friend. This was the last straw. At the moment, she was very compelled to spill the gla.s.s of champagne perched on the tables on her former-friend's face. However, she did not want to commit the same actions as the others.
No, her method of payback was going to be subtle, yet affective.