15 Flying Pasta (1/2)
Just in case if you get confused in the middle of the chapter:
Boyfriend: Dong Wook
Girlfriend: Ara
The curly-haired girl who just walked in and excused the guy of cheating: Inha
Her question was met by pure silence.
The boyfriend, Dong Wook, swore under his breath. The veins on his arms were tense as he held onto his fork. His eyes, which used to hold playfulness, quickly darkened. It was as if his personality switched, revealing his true self.
”Inha...” He began as he faces the curly-haired girl. ”I - uh - I can explain.”
”What the f.u.c.k,” the girlfriend screeched. She pointed to Inha. ”Who is she?”
Dong Wook lifted his hands up in a surrendering stance. His eyes darted between them as if he was watching a sports game. His mind was whirring, thinking of all the possible ways he could get out of this mess. ”Calm down Ara. I'll explain everything. Everyone please just - uh - calm down right now.”
The two girls were standing up. The girlfriend, Ara, narrowed her eyes as she placed her hands on her hips.
”Okay then explain,” Inha demanded with crossed arms. Her curly hair bounced in the air as she took a step forward towards Dong Wook.
As the drama unfolded, Yoona stood there frozen, unable to speak. What was she supposed to do in this situation? If she were to interfere, then could worsen, further disrupting the other customers. She could also get herself hurt. On the other hand, it was impossible to stay silent. The other customers had to eat peacefully. This was a restaurant after all.
Her eyes trailed to the manager. Once they made eye-contact, he signaled for her to stay silent.
As she looked around once more, she realized that many of the other customers were watching in silence, interested as the scene unfolded. It didn't looked like they minded to much about the disruption. In fact, they were enjoying it as if they were watching a television show.
”Okay, so-” Dong Wook said cautiously. ”First of all Inha, we were having a some [1] and weren't dating so I'm not sure what you're talking about. I was never cheating on you since we weren't in a relations.h.i.+p in the first place.”
Inha looked as if someone slapped her in the face. Verbally, he technically did. The cold words stung Inha's heart and she fought the urge to cry. Flashbacks of their memories together played in her head like a sad movie. The first time he confessed to her. Their first date. Yesterday, when they were having so much fun while eating. She couldn't believe it - how dare he say they weren't in a relations.h.i.+p? They'd been going on for three months now!
”And you,” he said while pointing to his current girlfriend. ”I was going to break up with you today.”
Yoona fought the urge to laugh. Was this guy serious? From what she could tell, it looked like he was making up lies to try to save face. Nothing about his actions seemed genuine. He didn't care about how the girls felt. All he cared about was himself.
In fact, Dong Wook did only care about his outcome of the situation. He hated being humiliated and looked down upon. His pride and arrogance couldn't allow for him to be the victim of such scrutiny.
Ara let out a huge scream, one that could break all the gla.s.s if a pitch higher. Her face was red, about to burst with sheer anger. She picked up her half-eaten food and threw it at her now ex-boyfriend, throwing the noodles all over his face and white s.h.i.+rt.
She placed the plate back down.
”You cheating a.s.shole!” She screeched. ”I can't believe this is all happening on our one year anniversary! Don't even try to lie. We literally bought plane tickets to Hawaii a few days ago. You weren't going to break up with me if you weren't exposed!”
The guy closed his eyes, enraged by the happenings. He began to wipe off the sauce and noodles from his face. Chunks of tomatoes stuck to his once perfect hair.
Yoona fought the urge to giggle. As a waitress she couldn't laugh at the humiliation of her customers in front of them. It was against the rules. But still, although she didn't encourage wasting food, his reaction was priceless. She approved.