Part 30 (1/1)

El Ha.s.san looked at her absently. Whatever message she bore held little interest to him.

Cliff said, ”India has recognized El Ha.s.san as legal head of state of all North Africa. It is expected that Australia will follow before the week is out.”

El Ha.s.san nodded. For the time, not caring.

Isobel said, ”We have other word. It came by messenger.” She closed her eyes in pain and handed him a small box.

He opened it and recognized the ring on the enclosed finger. He looked up at them.

Cliff Jackson growled low in his throat. ”Elmer Allen. He's been captured by a leader of the Ouled Touameur clan of the Ouled Allouch tribe. You know this Abd-el-Kader?”

El Ha.s.san was staring down at the finger, his mind slowly clearing of its fatigue. ”He belongs to the Berazga division of the Chaambra confederation. I had a run-in with him a few months ago and had him jailed. He's nothing but a desert bandit on the make.”

Cliff said, ”He's escaped, has thrown his weight behind the Arab Union, proclaimed himself the Mahdi and is uniting Algeria and parts of Morocco and Tunisia like a wildfire. The marabouts and Shorfa are backing him.”

”Proclaimed himself the Mahdi?” Isobel said in question.

El Ha.s.san turned to the girl and took a deep breath. ”The original Mahdi was the holiest prophet since Mohammed and according to the more superst.i.tious Moslems, he's still alive. According to Islamic tradition, he periodically shows up again in the desert and makes various predictions. When he does, it almost always winds up with a jihad, a holy war. Don't you remember in history the anti-British Mahdi at Khartoum, the killing of Chinese Gordon and so forth? That Mahdi was the son of a Dongola carpenter and he managed to conquer two million square miles in two years.”

”But, what has this got to do with this Abd-el-Kader?”

”He's evidently proclaimed himself sort of a reincarnation of the original Mahdi. He's out to do the same thing we are--to unite North Africa. But in his case he doesn't exactly have the same dream and he's working under the green ensign of the Pan-Islamic Arab Union.”

”And has Elmer Allen captive.”

”Yes, he has Elmer.” El Ha.s.san's tone of voice turned sharp. ”Cliff, go get Bey. Tell him we're forming a flying column and heading north.”

Cliff was gone. El Ha.s.san turned back to the girl. ”You know, Isobel,”

he said softly, slowly, ”in history there is no happy ending, ever.

There is no ending at all. It goes from one crisis to another, but there is no ending.”