Part 15 (1/2)

Homer Crawford now turned on the pressure. His voice took on overtones of the positive, his personality seemed to reach out and seize them, and even his physical stature seemed to grow.

”Some indeed of the ways of the bedouin must go,” he entoned, ”but the Tuareg will survive under my leaders.h.i.+p. A people who have throve a millennium and more in the great wastes of the Sahara have strong survival characteristics and will blossom, not die, in my new world.

Know, O Melchizedek, that it has been decided that the Ahaggar Tuareg will be the heart of my Desert Legion. In times of conflict, armed with the new arms, and riding the new vehicles, they will adapt their old methods of warfare to this new age. In times of peace they will patrol the new forests, watching for fire and other disaster, they will become herdsmen of the new herds and be the police and rescue forces of this wide area. As the Cheyennes of the olden times of the land of my birth could have become herdsmen and forest rangers and have performed similar tasks had they been shown the way.”

Homer Crawford let his eyes go from one of them to the next, and his personality continued to dominate them.

The Amenokal ran his thin, aged hand through the length of his white beard beneath his teguelmoust and contemplated this stranger come out of the ergs to lead his people to still greater changes than those they had thus far rebelled against.

Crawford realized that the Targui was divided in opinion and inwardly the American was in a cold sweat. But his voice registered only supreme confidence. ”Under my banner, all North Africa will be welded into one. And all the products of the land will be available in profusion to my faithful followers. The finest wheat for cous cous from Algeria and Tunis, the finest dates and fruits from the oases to the north, the manufactured products of the factories of Dakar and Casablanca. For Africa has always been a poor land but will become a rich one with the new machines and techniques that I will bring.”

The Amenokal raised a hand to stem the tide of oratory. ”And what do you ask of us now, El Ha.s.san?”

Instead of to the older man, Crawford turned his eyes to the face of Guemama, the leader of the young clansmen. ”Now my people are gathering to establish the new rule. Teda from the east, Chaambra from the north, Sudanese from the south, Nemadi, Moors and Rifs from the west. We rendezvous in ten days from now at Tamanra.s.set where the Arab Legion dogs have seized the city as they wish to seize all the lands of the Sahara and Sudan for the corrupt Arab Union politicians.”

Crawford came to his feet. His voice took on an edge of command. ”You will address your scouts and warriors and each will ride off on the swiftest camels at your command to raise the Tuareg tribes. And the clans of the Kel Rela will unite with the Taitoq and the Tegehe Mellet in a great harka at this point and we will ride together to sweep the Arab Legion from the lands of El Ha.s.san.”

Guemama was on his feet, too. ”Bilhana!” he roared. ”With joy.”

The others were arising in excitement, all but Melchizedek, who still stroked his gray streaked beard beneath his teguelmoust. The Amenokal had seen much of desert war in his day and knew the horror of the new weapons possessed by the crack troops of the Arab Legion.

But his aged shoulders shrugged against the inevitable.

Crawford said, the ring of authority in his voice. ”What does the Amenokal of all the Ahaggar say?” He had no intention of antagonizing the Tuareg chief by going over his head and directly to the people.

”Thou art El Ha.s.san,” Melchizedek said, his voice low, ”and undoubtedly it is fated that the Tuareg follow you, for verily there is no way else to go, as each man knows.”

”Wallahi!” Guemama crowed jubilantly.



Guemama, nephew of Melchizedek the Amenokal of the Ahaggar Tuareg confederation and fighting chief of the Kel Rela clan of the Kel Rela tribe, brought his Hejin racing camel to an abrupt halt with a smack of his mish'ab camel stick. He barked, ”_Adar-ya-yan_,” in command to bring it to its knees, and slid to the ground before his mount had groaned its rocking way to the sand.

The Tarqui was jubilant. His dark eyes sparked above his teguelmoust veil and he presented himself before Homer Crawford with the elan of a Napoleonic cavalryman before his emperor. Were red leather fil fil boots capable of producing a clicking of heels, that sound would have rung.

Crawford said with dignity, ”Aselamu, Aleik.u.m, Guemama. Greeting to you.”

”Salaam Aleik.u.m,” the tribesman got out breathlessly. ”Your message spreads, O El Ha.s.san. My men ride to eastward and westward and never a tent from here to Silet, from In Guezzam to Timiss...o...b..t knows that El Ha.s.san calls. The Taitoq and the Tegehe Mellet ride!”

Homer Crawford was standing before the hovercraft. The Amenokal's tribesmen had set up two large goat leather tents for his use and the three Americans had largely withdrawn to their shelter. Crawford was aware of the dangers of familiarity.

Cliff Jackson, who as usual had been monitoring the radio, came from the hover-lorry and growled, ”What's he saying?”

”The tribesmen are gathering as per instructions,” Homer said in English.

Jackson grunted, somewhat self-conscious of the Targui's admiring gaze. The Tuareg is the handsomest physical specimen of North Africa, often going to six foot of wiry manhood, but there was nothing in all the Sahara to rival the build of Homer Crawford, not to speak of the giant Cliff Jackson.