Chapter 34: Where Is This Wind Blowing From(1) (1/2)
Chapter 34: Where is this wind blowing from(1)
Translator: Hwarang
Editor: Cpyo
After coming back from our mission, the morale of the Lesser Sword Sect soared through the heavens. But the news of us defeating the dark guild didn’t create an outcry compared t when we defeated the group of bandits. The word on the street was that we were able to suppress Seo Jong Dark guild, not defeat it.
But it wasn’t too bad since during times like this the internal atmosphere of our group was more important than our reputation. The bond between the members became even stronger.
There are many factors that impact the strength of a group and the sense of belonging but the most important role fell on the shoulder of the leader. If the leader shows his intelligence and demonstrate his strength by leading his subordinates from the front, then his position is reaffirmed and the organization will grow stronger. It is only natural that people follow someone who is worthy.
Kwan He told me that whenever the members of the Lesser Sword Sect meet they always say that they want to become like me and that more are joining him for the morning training. It seemed that through this mission, I became their role model.
Eight more members came to learn the throwing techniques from me. Adding the members who were already learning them, it added up to almost every member. So, I taught them without hesitation. If there are early birds, then there are bound to be late bloomers.
Although there were some who didn’t come to learn, I had no hard feelings for them. Maybe there was a reason for it. Whether they want to learn it or not, I was going to have an open heart for all of them.
Kw.a.n.g Du truly worked hard. With regards to throwing techniques alone, even though he started to learn later than Kwan He he had become better at it. It wasn’t only effort since Kwan He didn’t put any less effort than Kw.a.n.g Du, but rather natural talent.
Only a couple of days had pa.s.sed since I taught him but when Kw.a.n.g Du threw three daggers from twenty paces away he was able to hit a single target with great precision. At this rate in about a month, he might even hit all three with great precision.
But not everything went smoothly.
Finally, there was a complication. Someone from our lesser sect got into a fight with someone from the main branch.
When I arrived at the scene, the fight had already ended. It seemed that one who was at the losing end was our side. Because members from both sides arrived it didn’t escalate too much and they were currently only exchanging words.
“Is is alright just because you are the Sunbae?”
“This punk?”
“If you consider it carefully then you are not even our sunbae.”
The name of the person who was getting pretty heated right now was Yang Gu. Since he was originally a sentinel, he was pretty old and his personality wasn’t like others’. But once I arrived Yang Gu calmed down and bowed his head.
“First he is your sunbae. He is from the main sect while we belong to the Lesser Sword ect. Understood?”
Yang Gu replied yes in a weak voice.
After hearing his reply the expression of the people from the main sect loosened a bit. Since it can become an issue later it was better to sort out things like this.
“Why did you get into a fight?”
Yang Gu didn’t reply.
“Do I have to ask you twice?”
“No! it was my fault.”
“I am not asking whose fault it was. I am asking why you get into a fight.”
“That is… I was looking somewhere else and b.u.mped into him.”
“So you weren’t looking at where you were going?”
“Then why did you get into a fight?”
“I wanted to apologize but he cursed at me first.”
Then I asked the man from the main sect, “Did you really?”
“It just came out as a reflex. It wasn’t too bad of a curse.”
I looked back at Yang Gu, “Then?”
Yang Gu took deep breath and said, “When I saw his face… he reminded me of the man who killed my comrade.”
Then everyone around him had a look of pity. But the one who fought with Yang Gu made a dumbfounded expression, “Isn’t he crazy?”
When I looked at Yang Gu who had his head down I could sense what kind of pain he was going through. It was a pain that only those who experienced losing a comrade knew. This was the pain of losing a comrade before one’s very own eyes.
Then I looked back at the man who fought with Yang Gu and asked, “So, what should I do? Do you want to fight more with this crazy person? Or should I just ask him to apologize?”
“No, it’s alright.”
He turned around. Even though he said he was crazy he didn’t say anything to Yang Gu since Yang Gu said he lost his comrade.
Then everyone dispersed and only me and Yang Gu were left.
“What kind of friend was he?”
“He was my comrade when I was still a sentinel.”
“That’s how it is.”
“This friend…”
After taking big breath he painfully finished his sentence, “… died because of me. Because I was so tired that day I didn’t get up… He was pulling guard by himself because he was considerate of me…”
Yang Gu couldn’t finish his sentence. He lowered his head, clenched his and shook his shoulder. He was forcefully suppressing his tears.
I looked into the sky. It was so clear that there was not a cloud in the sky. It made me wonder if it was all right?
Yang Gu finally said it in a small voice, “… I killed him.”
I looked back down at him and said, “You could have.”
Yang Gu was trembling even further.
I calmly said to him, “You and I and other people could all think like that. But there’s only one person… your friend, who would definitely think otherwise.”
I saw a tear drop on the ground but pretended not to have seen it. It was inconsiderate pointing out the fact that a grown man that was crying.
“Since you made a mistake shouldn’t you be punished?”
“Yes! I will receive my punishment.”
“Run fifty times around the track without using your ki.”
Yang Gu headed toward the track.
I understood how he felt but I also punished him for his own good. Everyone else will overlook this incident without thinking much about it if they learn that he had received the proper punishment, as they aren’t ignorant people.
I silently looked at Yang Gu running around the track. What would he be thinking about? He is probably running around thinking about his friend. I knew what he was feeling more than anyone else. Through my years of battle I lost too many people. I experienced many different emotions through the years. I felt the resentment, regret, and doubt caused by losing people.
One day I hope that Yang Gu will visit me for a drink. I wanted to help shoulder his burden a bit.
Kong Su Chan approached me with a big smile.
“Our investment was a great success. I was expecting a profit of two thousand nyang but the actual profit was four thousand five hundred. Adding the rewards that you received, by next year we can add not just forty but eighty members.”