Chapter 25: When Spring Arrives At The Crossroad(4) (2/2)
“But isn’t that how it’s supposed to be?”
I stared at him cautiously and said, “If you don’t intend to use that sword outside, then you shouldn’t even take it out.”
Kw.a.n.g Du understood my true intentions. If he wanted to become a real Murim-In, this was something that he had go through. In peaceful times like this, it was hard for one to experience a real fight.
In a normal School and Clan, fighting with real swords was banned unless it was between people who’d trained for a long time. This was because even the slightest mistake could harm the other person. Thus, in peaceful times like this, real experiences were hard to come by.
Kw.a.n.g Du was shaking as he took out his blade.
“I’m scared, young master.”
“Of course you are. Why wouldn’t you be when this is the first time you’ve drawn it against another person. It’s natural to be scared.”
“However, you can’t be nervous just because you’re scared.”
I don’t know how Kw.a.n.g Du took it, but every word that I said was from my personal experience.
It feels like the one who’s truly learning something from this process is me. As I was teaching him, I was able to rediscover things that I’d forgotten.
What I’d just said to him is an example. When I hold my blade now, I feel comfort and rea.s.surance. But when I think back to when I first held a blade, I can remember that I was just like Kw.a.n.g Du is now: scared of the blade. In this life, I’ll try my best to go down a different path.
“I’m scared that I might hurt you, young master.”
“Don’t worry about me, come.”
Kw.a.n.g Du used the first technique. However, he wasn’t able to display it to its fullest extent, since he was hesitant over the fact that he might hurt me.
“Do it right! Open your eyes and do it properly!”
Kw.a.n.g Du came at me once again.
I received his attack, then proceeded to counter him whilst controlling my strength.
I did this so that he could experience what a true fight was like.
“Clang! Clang Clang Clang!
After our blades had clashed with each other a couple of times, Kw.a.n.g Du lost his balance and closed his eyes.
“Open your eyes! If you close your eyes you’re dead! Concentrate!”
Kw.a.n.g Du bit his teeth and used his techniques again.
The sound of blades clas.h.i.+ng resounded once again.
He managed to display the first six techniques.
When he used his seventh technique I easily countered it and swung my sword towards his face.
I stopped my blade right in front of his face.
“This is what a real fight feels like.”
“…Yes, young master.”
His voice was shaky. Since this was his first real experience, I’m sure that this moment was something that he wouldn’t ever be able to forget.
Kw.a.n.g Du quickly sat down once I withdrew my sword.
I sat next to him.
“Kw.a.n.g Du-Ya.”
“You can stop learning if you’re scared. There’s no need to push yourself too hard.”
After some time, he reaffirmed himself. “Young master, I want to go as far as I can with this. I like learning martial arts. Even though it was scary... I felt excited. I felt both happy and excited to fight.”
It was the first time that I’d seen Kw.a.n.g Du this serious.
Yeah, if he was the type to easily give up, he would’ve done so by now.
“Then we should see it through to the end.”
“I plan to do that, young master. But you can’t forget me and leave me behind!”
“That will depend on how you do.”
“Ehh, don’t be like that!”
At that moment…
Drop, Drop.
A few water drops fell from the sky as it began to rain.
“It’s spring! It’s the spring rain!”
With an excited look, Kw.a.n.g Du gazed up at the sky and said, “I think that spring is finally here.”
For some awkward reason, I started to feel happy.
Even when I saw the first snow I hadn’t had this sort of reaction.
But this time, the spring rain had somewhat moved my heart.
I couldn’t wait for spring. I was also curious about what fate had in store for me.
“Yeah, it looks like it’s finally spring.”
A few days later, as if it was riding the spring wind, news reached us.
“A new Mengju has been decided.”
The news that I’d been waiting for had finally arrived.
“Who is it?”
“The Heavenly Dao gate master has become the new Mengju.”
I was truly shocked. Including my previous life, there weren’t many times that I’d been this shocked.
Seeing me throw a fit, Kw.a.n.g Du was surprised.
Why? It’s because of Ma Bong GI! I never thought that Ma Bong GI would be suited to be the Mengju.
Ma Bong GI was the leader of the Heavenly Dao Gate that I’d disguised myself as before. He was someone who had a very complicated relations.h.i.+p with women. He was someone that you could fully see through after just seeing through one of his faults. He was someone who was greedy for money and power, and whose character is questionable.
Someone like him will be the next Mengju? Someone like him will be my successor?
“Did you hear it wrong?”
“No, young master, The entire city has been pretty boisterous because of this news.”
There’s no way that Kal Sa Ryang would’ve picked Ma Bong GI. That means that something must’ve happened.
I looked towards where the Murim Alliance Headquarter was located...
“Something must’ve gone wrong.”
End of Book 1