Chapter 12: The Place My Sword Points To (3) (1/2)
Book 1 Chapter 12: The Place my Sword Points to (3)
Translator: Hwarang
Editor: Jay
“Please rescind that order, Bangju-Nim; if we attack the Byuk Clan, the repercussion from other Kang Ho-In might be severe.”
The person who was pleading with Yang Gi Chul was Jung Yeo, who was the Vice-Clan Leader of the Yang Clan. He only found out what his Gaju was up to at the last minute.
“Repercussion? Did you just say repercussion?”
“My son nearly died, yet you want me to rescind my order? Who will be angry at who?”
“Young master Yang&h.e.l.lip;”
He couldn’t say that Yang Gi Kang deserved it, nor could he say to overlook it.
“Please rescind this order.”
“To be this soft and weak, how shameful!”
Jung Yeo knew that he himself wasn’t a righteous person. He was someone who lived between righteousness and dishonor. He overlooked many of the dishonorable things that his Bangju did. But... the thing that he was about to do was going overboard. He believed that unless you were crazy, how can you, for as simple a reason as your son getting beaten up, hire couple of dozen mercenaries to wipe out a clan?
“Please think this through carefully, Vice-Leader.”
This time the person who called out was Hyeol Gun.
What kind of person was Hyeol Gun? He could very easily be described with one sentence: for money, he will kill even his parents and children. Who knew if he had actually killed his first-born son for money a long time ago?
Whenever Yang Gi Chul needed something done immediately, he always called Hyeol Gun. As much as his service cost, that’s how well he executed his mission.
Before this they had a secret conversation
-Pay me more. I just learned that they are a pretty famous clan.
-Since when did you consider these things when you killed?
-As I grew older, you could say I have grown wiser.
-Fine. How much more do you want?
-Twenty thousand Nyang.
-It seems wisdom wasn’t the only thing you gained. It seems like your greed also grew.
-Don’t say anything unnecessary. I am not the type you should joke around with.
In the end, Yang Gi Chul paid twenty thousand Nyang, which was twice the original price. But Hyeol Gun promised that he would take care of everything. Meaning, he would hire decent mercenaries to deal with the Byuk Clan.
They planned on using Byuk Lee Dan as an excuse to execute their revenge. They would make a story about how the husbands of women who Byuk Lee Dan raped hired mercenaries to wipe out the Byuk Clan.
Their plan was to first dirty the name of the Byuk Clan through spreading false rumors about the rape, and how Yang Gi Kang got hurt trying to prevent it. Then they would wipe out the clan with mercenaries, saying the husbands of the women hired them as revenge.
This showed how much power and influence money can buy.
Everything went smooth until the last moment, when Jang Yeo found out. They both knew that he would be against it, so they planned it in secret.
“Why are you pretending to be so upright?”
Jang Yeo replied with ugly expression, “This is none of your business.”
They were both staring at the other, not giving the other even an inch.
To break this atmosphere, Yang Gi Chul said, “You seem really uptight about this.”
“You know for something such as this, we need to execute it as quickly as we can. Wipe them out and move out fast. But as you know, mercenaries don’t have any type of urgency. They will keep pus.h.i.+ng it off until someone finds out about our plan. So unless you can give us an answer right now, let’s call this deal off. Of course, I know that we won’t be able to get our payment returned.”
“Don’t worry, we will execute this as planned.”
“The public sentiment will be against the Byuk clan, and if we could take over their area of influence then it will double our power.”
If they could do that, then the investment of just twenty thousand Nyang would have been returned ten, if not a hundred-fold.
“The reason why they have such a large influence in San Dong is not because they have the most pract.i.tioners, but because they have people who deeply trust and respects the Gaju of the Byuk Clan.”
Yang Gi Chul showed his nasty colors.
“Are you saying that I don’t have those characteristics?”
“No, that’s not what I meant.”
“Trust? There is no such things as trust in Kang Ho. There are only two things in Kang Ho: the Strong and the Weak. This is where the strong rule and live, while the weak die.”
Jung Yeo didn’t reply. He knew that his master was very ambitious, but he hadn’t known that he was this ambitious.
“If you attack the Byuk Clan, then I will no longer serve you.”
This was his last straw. He had served the Yang Clan faithfully for over twenty years. If it wasn’t for him, the Yang Clan wouldn’t be where it was right now. He believed that by doing this, his master would stop this madness, but it was of no use.
“You dare say these kinds of things in front of me? Get out of here before I kill you!”
Jung Yeo was flabbergasted. ‘Get out of here before I kill you?’ This was the first time that he felt this bitter. Thinking to himself, ‘Why&h.e.l.lip; what have I been doing with my life? I offered him everything, yet he just spit it back in my face.’
Because he couldn’t stand it anymore, he left.
“I will be disciplining myself until you call me.”
“There can’t be any witnesses from the Byuk Clan.”
“Don’t worry, I will wipe out everyone with the name of Byuk. Not even a single rat will be spared.”
Before Jung Yeo left, he overheard their conversation and made a fist. He really wanted to go back in the room and beat the two of them. But if he did that, he would most likely die.
This was it. As a human being, he couldn’t take any more of this type of treatment. He couldn’t stay too far away, since Yang Gi Chul would most likely call him back after this was over. So he decided to leave before he get humiliated even further.
‘s.h.i.+t, I really wanted to make Yang Clan the greatest clan.’ He was very bitter about leaving the place that he worked his whole life to build.
As he was leaving the place he sensed great danger. He looked up and saw a youth above him near the ceiling. There was blood on the sword that the youth was carrying.
“Who are you?”
Who else could it be? It was me.
Jung Yeo instinctively grabbed the hilt of his sword.
“Are you going to act as a fool until the end?”
After hearing my words, he stopped.
“I said, do you want to spend your last moments defending those fools?”
Great silence divided us, so I overwhelmed him with my fighting intent.
He still didn’t recognize me. Let’s just say that he might have seen me at least once, but ever since I changed, he wouldn’t be able to know who it was.
“Did you get into Kang Ho to serve people such as him?”
His eyes wavered for a second. Then I jumped down from the ceiling.
He was surprised by my footwork. This was something that I could show regardless of my condition. I showed him a tiny bit of my footwork, and he was skilled enough to see it. Meaning he was a pretty adept martial artist.
Then his sight went towards the gate. All the guards who had been guarding the gate were lying on the floor.
“Did you kill them all?”
I shook my head. No, I just put them to sleep, that’s all.
“Just wait here. Your life will change in the next few moments.”
I didn’t wait for his response as I entered the door. He might have different thoughts racing through his head, but in the end, I knew he would wait there patiently. If not he would have already raised his blade against me.