Chapter 9: Minor Clan Lord Yang(4) (1/2)
Book 1 Chapter 9: Minor Clan Lord Yang(4)
Translator: Hwarang
Editor: Jay
I stood outside listening to their conversation.
I wasn’t eavesdropping on purpose. I came here to see them and apologize,but instead I overheard what they said.
It is embarra.s.sing to say but… seeing her like this, my mother sounded cute. Even though she acted all tough and fierce on the outside, when she was alone with my father she is really well-mannered and lady like.
I looked at the sky. At first I thought that the heaven allowed me to reincarnate for myself, then I thought the heaven allowed me to reincarnate for Byuk Lee Dan, but now I think the heaven allowed me to reincarnate for my parents.
Then I thought to myself, ‘is this really all right?’ I am someone who never truly understood what love or family was. I am a really terrible person who couldn’t sleep at night unless I dished out revenge that was ten times worse than what I had received.
Mother opened the door and came outside. She was surprised to see me.
“Dan-Ah? Why didn’t you come in when you arrived?”
I went inside and said what I wanted to say.
“Don’t sell it. It’s no use even if you sell it.”
“Did you hear our conversation?”
“Yes, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on your conversation.”
“It’s alright. But what do you mean it’s no use?”
“Even if you pay them back it’s no use.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Because he is someone who will not let this matter go even if we pay them back.”
I looked at my father and asked him,“Aren’t I right? Or have I misjudged him?”
Before he left, Yang Gi Chul’s eyes were full of ill intent. It was the eye of someone who truly wished to kill the other party. I saw this plenty of times in my previous life.
The look in his eyes told me the answer.
“Let your father take care of this. Take your mother and stay at your uncle’s house for a while.”
From what I heard my mother had a younger brother who lived farther away in Ahn Hwe. He said this to protect me and my mother.
“Are you trying to fight them?”
“You don’t need to know.”
“This is something I need to know. Isn’t this something related to our clan?”
Because this was first time the Byuk Lee Dan said something like this, my mother’s face brightened. This was the parental love. With just one word their expression changes.
“Let your father will take of this.”
From this conversation I confirmed that father was a very strong person, but I didn’t want to leave this problem completely to him.
“Allow me to help you take care of this mess.”
“Why are you being selfish? Why aren’t you thinking about your mother?”
“But if something happened to you, father, then wouldn’t mother also be deeply saddened?”
“What a rude thing to say!”
Father got angry, but there was a smile on my mother’s face.
“You are wrong. Rather than being depressed my whole life, I would rather die a hundred, no a thousand times, together with my family.”
Mother looked at father and said, “Even though we have lived with each other for so long, do you still not know me?”
Father gave a light sigh.
Why wouldn’t he know? He knew perfectly well that in situation like this, mother would try her best to not leave his side.
If I was still the old Byuk Lee Dan, father would have convinced my mother by saying that she needed stay alive for me. But since I barged in, saying that I am going to help him, he didn’t have time nor a way to convince her.
“It is dangerous time and anything can happen.”
Mother just gave a small laugh, “I think it’s been awhile since I felt this excited.”
Without even realizing it, I wore a small smile. She acted very lady like when she was having a conversation with my father before, but right now she was showing her fierce side.
While looking at me she asked, “Aren’t you getting excited as well?”
“I am also getting fired up.”
I felt sorry for my mother, but I will not allow anything exciting to happen here. I planned on wrapping up this whole mess without letting any of those trash set a foot here.
“I plan on taking Kw.a.n.g Du with me to train in the mountain for a few days.”
“Be safe.”
My parents agreed hesitantly. Right now, they wanted to send me away as soon as possible.
As soon as I left their room I went to find Kw.a.n.g Du.
“Huh? What did you just say?” Kw.a.n.g Du asked me with wide eyes.
I don’t know why, but it was so much fun teasing Kw.a.n.g Du.
“You are coming with me to go to Lord Yang’s house.”
“Do you really hate me that much? Why are you bringing me to something so dangerous?”
“I have good news and a bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?”
“Well I think I want to be slapped first, so tell me the bad one first.”
“This all happened because of you.”
He lowered his face in shame.
“Please tell me the good news now.”
“You are the only person that I trust.”
Kw.a.n.g Du gave a small sigh, “It’s a shame how terrible your social life is.”
After saying that, there was a little smirk on his face. I think what I said about him made him feel really happy. Such a simple guy.
“But why are we going there? The Gaju-nim asked us to do something there right? It’s not like we are going there for no reason right?”
“If you want to think like that to calm your heart down, then feel free do think however you like.”
“Saying that, you don’t mean…?”
“We caused this mess, so we need to take care of it.”
“Oh my G.o.d! You have a plan, right young master?”
“We will think about it along the way.”
“Where do you have to be hit so that you become a completely different person?”
“You can become like that too. Where we’re going, many people will try to beat you up or kill you.”
I don’t know why I am naturally making these jokes, but this was something that I had never thought to do in my previous life. Was it because I gained my youth back, or was it because I felt resentment towards my previous life? Or maybe it was because of Kw.a.n.g Du. It was fun conversing and joking with him. Anyway, it seemed that even my mind had gotten younger as well.
“Get ready. We will leave soon.”
I had my reasons for bringing Kw.a.n.g Du along. It was so that I could make up my mind about his future. Was I going to let him just clean the yards all day, or was I going to invest in him and take him along with me throughout my journey? I didn’t know which was the right choice, but I would let fate decide.
“… I will kill him. I’m going to cut him piece by piece and feed him to the pigs. Skin him alive and toss him in the salt basket. Gut him up…”
Yang Gi Kang was thinking of the most gruesome way to kill me. Even though he was whistling because half his teeth were missing, his ill intent could still be felt.
“…I’m going to break all his bones. I’m going to make him cry, make him regret that he was ever born.”
He let rage consume him. The servants around him couldn’t even breathe. It wasn’t because of his curses or rages, nor was it because of the medicinal scent the bandages had. It was because any mistake… no even a breath could have gotten them killed.
The maid who was taking care of him was scared to the bones because she was afraid that his rage could be taken out on her.