Part 74 (2/2)
Prevention came first, and then the ”zinc and cocaine” cure.
Adelie Land can only be regarded as an intolerable country in which to live, owing to the never-ceasing winds. Usage and necessity helped one to regard the weather in the best possible light; for the sake of a few hours of calm which might be expected to occasionally intervene between the long spells of the blizzards. It is, therefore, with regret and some diffldence that I speak of the illness of Mr. S.
N. Jeffryes, who took up so conscientiously the duties of wireless operator during the second year (1913); but upon whom the monotony of a troglodytic winter life made itself felt. It is my hope that he is fast recovering his former vigour and enthusiasm.**
So many miles of sledging were done at both Antarctic Bases in a climate which is surely without a parallel in the history of polar travelling, the s.h.i.+p was so often in jeopardy during her three main cruises to the South, that we feel the meagre comment should be made on our providential return to civilization with the loss of two comrades whose memory will ever be imperishable to each one of us.
** With the advent of summer, Jeffryes became normal, but unfortunately suffered a temporary relapse upon his return to Australia.--D. M.
A General reference was made to the finances of the expedition in the Introduction. Here is an extended statement which, more fully amplified with a detailed list of donations, will be again published when additional funds have been raised to pay off the debit balance and establish equilibrium.
AUSTRALIA, January 1911: L
Australasian a.s.sociation for the Advancement of Science, L1000; R. Barr Smith (South Australia), L100; Hugh Denison (Sydney), L1000; Samuel Hordern (Sydney), L1000 (subsequently increased to L2500)........................... 4,000
LONDON, June 1911:
S. Hordern (Sydney), L1500 (second donation); Roderick Murchison (Melbourne), L1000; W. A. Horn (South Australia), L1000; Lord Strathcona, L1000; Eugene Sandow, L1050; Imperial Government, L2000; Royal Geographical Society, L500; Lionel Robinson (Sydney), L250; C. D. Mackellar, L150; G. P. Doolette, L150; G. Buckley, L150; Lord Denman, L100; Madame Melba (Melbourne), L100; S. Y. Buchanan, L100 (later increased to L200); Daily Mail,L100; Messrs. Bullivants L100, &c., aggregating an additional L593.. 9,843
AUSTRALIA, October 1911:
Sydney: Government grant, L7000; collected by L.
Professor David, L50; 'Sydney Morning Herald', L100; Professor David's own donation and lecture proceeds, L100............... 7,250
Melbourne: Government grant, L6000; collected by Professor Ma.s.son, L70............... 6,070
Adelaide: Government grant, L5000; collected by Mr. Piper, L250 (including Angus L100, Simpson L85, Scarfe L50).................... 5,250
Hobart: Government grant, L500; collected, L55... 555 Commonwealth grant 5,000 ________ 24,125
Carried forward...... 37,968
LONDON, 1913: Brought forward...... 37,969
Sir Lucas Tooth, L1000 (Sydney); Imperial Treasury, L1000; Royal Geographical Society, L100; S. Y. Buchanan, L100; Lady Scott, L100; Commander Evans, L100; other members of Scott Expedition and general subscriptions, L227....... 2,627
Australia, 1913:
Commonwealth grant, L5000; collected by Professor David (approximately), L50...................... 5,050