Volume 2 Chapter 3.4 (1/2)
Feeling something quite like this for the first time ever made Sui wanting to die out of embarrassment. She suddenly remembers the face of Tachibana Yamato, her dear childhood friend, and her cheeks become even hotter.
(It’s tearing me, aaah, I’m…… I’m being torn apart, uuuhhh……)
While Sui’s shame and embarrassment were bringing tears into her eyes, the cold and hard semen ice-cream was forcing its way deeper and deeper inside of her. The cold sensation similar to being stung by thousands of small needles was gradually spreading around her abdomen and travelling up her spine.
[Haah, naah, uuuuh…… Puaah!?]
The cold was so intense that it was actually starting to hurt. Eventually, Sui’s hymen was torn apart and there was nothing that would stop the semen popsicle from penetrating her deepest parts without a problem, filling her insides with melted sperm.
(Y, Yamato, -chan……!)
Deep inside of her chest, there was this feeling as if she just betrayed her childhood friend. That pain was far stronger than the one of having her hymen torn apart.
As soon as the ice-cream inside of both her pussy and mouth are being twisted around, the searing pain assaulted her all at once.
(W…… Why…… Why……!? Why is this…… Ahh, aahhh!?!?)
The ice-cream penetrating Sui’s pussy caused her insides to be struck with painful sensation, like needles or tiny blades.
If it wasn’t for the aphrodisiac surging through Sui’s body, that pain would have been impossible to withstand. But right now that pain was being overwritten and changed into pleasure unlike anything Sui has ever felt before. As soon as the ice-cream pushes itself further inside of her, her love nectar reacts to that and overflows, mixing with the cold and stinking mass. As the semen mixed with saliva overflows from Sui’s mouth, her face was distorted in an expression that was a mixture of both lust and shame.
[Hehe, you want our semen so badly? You have no idea just how happy that makes us!]
The men laughed while looking down at Sui, who was quivering in shame. They twisted the ice-cream inside of her pussy again, causing even more of it to melt away. The semen that flowed out was mixed with traces of bright red.
[Hmm? What’s this? Were you perhaps a virgin?] [You should have said so sooner. Otherwise we wouldn’t break your precious hymen with something like this.]
Sui couldn’t bear the shame of listening to their words and she just wanted to disappear. After being deprived of her precious virginity in such a way there was no way for her to look Yamato in the eyes…… It was taken away from her. Not even by an unknown man, but by a single ice-cream made out of frozen semen.
[If this is really going to be your first time, it needs to be with a proper dick. Hmm, let’s see……] [Hyah!]
Just then, instead of the thin and sticky ice-cream, the men pressed their blackened and veiny dicks against Sui’s face and started to rub them against her cheeks.
They were thick and oozing some kind of transparent liquid, but most importantly they were pulsing like mad and were stinking. At that moment, any hope that Sui might have still had was gone.
(No! No, no, no, no! It’s dirty! No!!!)
However, she was unable to take her eyes off of them.
Her womanly instincts right now were overwriting her common sense, forcing her to ponder the question: how good is it going to be when her pussy is going to be pierced with this long and thick meat rod that was now caressing her cheeks?
That is all because of youmas influence.
The demonic creature that penetrated her body were stimulating her lust in order to obtain their greatest nourishment: human semen.
[Put some saliva on it first. It’s erotic and it will make it easier for my dick to go inside of you.] [N…… Noo…… Eeeagh……!?]