Volume 8 Chapter 55 (1/2)

Original and most updated translations are from volare. Please don't read elsewhere and stop supporting theft.

TL: Zhao

Editing: Krisaia

Lin Lu looked at the rather cluttered street corners around the tea shop and let out a long sigh. In only a few weeks, the entire neighborhood underwent a drastic transformation. Lin Lu had not seen Li Yiming ever since the sauna center incident, as her superiors forbid her to, but she did still keep an eye on him. She knew that Pure Water Herb Hall was no longer just a tea house, but a name for a corporation going through a meteoric rise.

”I hope I didn't make a mistake in trusting you…” Lin Lu took a deep breath and walked towards the entrance of the tea shop. Her curiosity grew at the sight of a large makes.h.i.+ft building with the sign ”Headquarters Development in Progress”. The location chosen for the building was particularly strange, as it seemed to block the way to the tea shop.

Just as Lin Lu stepped into the tea shop, a closed-door of the soon-to-be headquarters was suddenly flung open. Li Yiming walked out, looking tired with his disheveled hair and unshaven beard.

Despite his best efforts, Li Yiming had achieved very little progress. During his time spent studying, he had been able to memorize the orientation, the size, and even the depths of each footprint perfectly, and yet he still could not figure out a single thing about Aunt Wu's technique. 'I even remember the way she walked and her facial expression. Was she just playing with me?'

Li Yiming sighed and locked the door behind him.

”Hey! Kid! What are you doing here?” An angry voice was heard from behind.

Li Yiming turned around, only to find an overweight middle-aged man.

”Which department are you from? Haven't I told you that you shouldn't get near here?” The man said as he glanced back at the tea shop.

”A foreman?” Only now did Li Yiming realize that the buildings around the tea shop had been made completely new.

”Which team are you from? Why are you standing there? Come here!” The man yelled out. It seemed like he wanted to avoid the area where Li Yiming was standing at all costs.

Li Yiming look at the ground and found a line traced in yellow paint. Right beside it was written ”Forbidden Area” in red. It finally dawned on Li Yiming that the perimeter had most likely been set up by Fang Shui'er for his purpose, only the middle-aged man had mistaken him for a construction worker.

'Who is this guy?' Upon extending his senses, Li Yiming concluded that the man in front of him was simply an ordinary person.

”Trying to act tough, eh?” The man raised his fist to strike Li Yiming as soon as he approached.

”And you are?” Li Yiming wanted to laugh and kept his distance.

”Captain w.a.n.g. I'm responsible for the third term of the project.” The man rolled his eyes and craned his neck proudly, deciding to keep his temper in check rather than get angry at a young worker.

”Alright, are you here for the summer?” The man examined Li Yiming from head to toe. Upon seeing his pale skin and tired expression, he concluded that the latter was a college student working for the summer that had most likely not received the proper instructions.

”I…” Li Yiming forced a smile. The foreman looked intimidating but Li Yiming did not feel any ill intentions from him.

”Whatever. Just go buy a pack of cigarettes for me, okay? You can keep the change. Keep in mind that you can't go into the areas past the yellow lines, alright? Especially the tea house. I wouldn't even dare go in there. If we mess up, business is going to be over for all of us.” The man sighed as he handed a one hundred yuan bill over.

”Thank you. I am quite tired.” Li Yiming nodded. He could feel the foreman's kindness despite the att.i.tude.

”Hey! What are you…” The man was baffled at seeing Li Yiming walk toward the entrance of the tea shop in spite of his warning.

”Boss?” Just as the middle-aged man was about to burst out in anger, someone came out of the tea house and greeted Li Yiming.

”Ahh! Mr. Chen! You can call me w.a.n.g!” The man's expression instantly s.h.i.+fted from anger to a radiant smile as he went up to meet Chen Jiaw.a.n.g, who had the reputation of being Fang Shui'er's right-hand man.

”Who are you?” Chen Jiaw.a.n.g was confused.

”I…” The middle-aged man's smile froze when he realized that Chen Jiaw.a.n.g's welcoming gesture was directed toward Li Yiming.

”I'm responsible for the third term, my name is w.a.n.g Dan… May I know who he…?”

”My boss.” Chen Jiaw.a.n.g said as he helped Li Yiming into the tea shop.

”Your boss?” w.a.n.g Dan glanced at the ”Pure Water Herb Hall” panel right above the entrance to the tea shop.