Volume 4 Chapter 27 (1/2)
Book 4 Chapter 27 – Unexpected Gain
”You.. you really turned yourself in?” A satisfied smile appeared on Li Yiming's face. He realized that he had done at least one good deed.
However, his smile seemed to be a smile from h.e.l.l to his interlocutor, who trembled violently. The leader of the prisoners was the shop owner who had tried to extort money from Li Yiming. After Li Yiming left, his fear for his own safety superseded his fear of prison, and he turned himself in the next day. He had been living comfortably ever since, so he convinced himself that jail was nothing more than a temporary refuge.
”Boss!?! Who's your boss? The boss is here!” The minion received a slap that sent him cras.h.i.+ng on the floor, groaning in pain. Fatty then pointed at Li Yiming to make the change in status understood by all of his subordinates.
'What's happening?' The question flashed through the minds of the inmates. All of them took two steps back when they realized that Li Yiming was going to be trouble. Although the guards would not punish them for having a little fun, it was not worth it to incur the wrath of a cold-blooded murderer, especially when they were yet to be convicted. 1
'You monster!' The fat man never expected Li Yiming to follow him to prison. He had confessed to all his trivial crimes, but he shut his mouth about deeds involving important people. He s.h.i.+vered and looked at Li Yiming pleadingly. 'It's not that I don't want to confess, I really can't, please…'
By now, the henchmen had seen enough to understand that they needed to kneel down. All the years on the street taught them the importance of switching allegiance in a timely manner.
”Hmm…?” What are you guys doing?” This was not the first time Li Yiming had seen something like that. In Shangbei, the old guardian had begged for his life twice. However, it still remained impressive and unsettling to have a row of people fall to the ground at the same time.
”I…I…” Cold sweat dripped down Fatty's neck from remembering his encounter with Li Yiming. 'What a monster… He'll swallow me whole.'
”Come on, stand up. Why kneel in the middle of the night? We're not in a mourning hall.” Li Yiming helped his ”friend” stand up. He was happy to see the fat gangster again, since he sincerely believed that the latter must have changed his ways and turned himself in.
”Get up… Get up!” The henchmen also followed suit. Most of them moved to the side and began to make guesses regarding Li Yiming's ident.i.ty.
”Go, go, shoo! All of you, go sleep and stop crowding around. Come, let's talk.” Li Yiming waved his hand, dismissing the rest of the goons. He led his ”old friend” to his bed and made him sit.
”Erm… Err… I have nothing to do with this. I'm just following orders. If I knew that you were the target, I never would've dared.” Fatty ended up half-squatting, too afraid to sit on the bed. Li Yiming's gentle expression terrorized him even more. It was just like when Li Yiming pulled out a gun and a bag of white powder from behind his back and started to lecture him about the value of things in life.
”Oh? I'm being targeted?” Li Yiming's was surprised by the revelation. 'So he received the news before I even got in?'
Li Yiming has had his suspicions about the police's sudden arrival and the videotape evidence that happened to be conveniently available. 'Being filmed on camera while I took the scooter couldn't have been a simple coincidence. Also, the black car… I get that Fu Bo couldn't be traced down, but he wasn't in that car, so what happened to all of the surveillance footage?'
Li Yiming gazed at the fat gangster. 'Maybe staying in here won't be such a waste of time after all.'
”Is Yunlong Group this powerful?” Li Yiming asked. 'The only people that could be behind this are the guardians who orchestrated the kidnaping of Fu Bo. Everything points to Yunlong and the Guo family…'
”You… You knew?” Fatty was shocked. 'He knows everything! Please don't involve a small fry like me in your war!'
”Let's talk about Yunlong first. You seem to be on good terms with them.” Li Yiming's suspicions were confirmed by Fatty's reaction.
”Hmm? Erm…?” Fatty countenance turned ashen. He had taken special care to avoid mentioning Yunlong when he turned himself in.
”It's ok. The night is still young, we can have a nice, long chat.” Li Yiming made himself comfortable on his bed. The sheets didn't seem so disgusting to him anymore.
”I really can't. If I told you… When I leave this place…” Fatty begged.
”When you leave? Do you think you'll be able to?” Li Yiming asked with a gentle smile.
Fatty's heart skipped a beat 'Talk and receive punishment for it when I get out… or keep my mouth shut and maybe not even be able to get out…'' The back of his s.h.i.+rt was soon drenched in sweat. Once he weighed out the consequences, Fatty resolved himself and divulged everything.
Fatty was once a construction site manager that worked for Yunlong. He had been scapegoated for an incident of ”convincing” residents to move out of their to-be-demolished homes. Following media exposure, he was forced to leave the job. Yunlong Group paid him back for his sacrifice and let him handle shady deals thereon. With a strong backer, Fatty eventually became an influential figure in the city's underworld.