Part 23 (1/2)

[8] Benett MSS. Warburton, III. pp. 244-247.

[9] Warburton. III. p. 246.

[10] Ibid. III. p. 248. King to Rupert, Sept. 27, 1647.

[11] Memoires de Mademoiselle de Montpensier. Michaud's Collections.

Vol. IV. p. 57.

[12] Ibid. pp. 35, 37.

[13] Carte's Letters, I. 152-156, 9 Oct. 1647.

[14] Carte Letters, I. 152-156. 9 Oct. 1647.

[15] Carte Letters. I. 152-156. 9 Oct. 1647.

[16] Hamilton Papers, p. 178. Camden Soc. New Series.




By May 1648 a Royalist reaction was setting in in England. The King had been two years a prisoner, and the people, already weary of the Army and the Parliament, began to think with favour of their unfortunate sovereign. Royalist risings took place in Kent and some of the Eastern Counties, and a large portion of the fleet, encouraged by this, revolted from the Parliament and came over to Holland. Thither Rupert and the younger Charles hastened to meet it. The French, eager to detain Rupert in their service, again and again offered him ”any conditions” to remain with them, but he adhered firmly to the Stuart fortunes.[1] And well was it for young Charles that he did so; for, as even his enemies acknowledged, no other man could, or would have competed successfully with the terrible difficulties which they had now to encounter. Fortunately, his experience in England had not been wasted. He was learning to cultivate patience, tolerance and self-control, and never were such qualities more needed. A letter, dated August 9, 1648, bears witness to the change in the Prince's manners.--”Let me a.s.sure you, Sir, that Prince Rupert's carriage was such at Calais, and throughout the journey thither, that, I protest, I was overjoyed to see it, both for the public, and for the Prince's (Charles) happiness in his company... Certainly, Sir, he appears to me to be a {223} strangely changed man in his carriage; and for his temperance and his abilities, I think they were never much questioned.”[2]

His abilities were about to be taxed to the uttermost. The small fleet was in a most unsatisfactory state. Provisions were scarce, the sailors mutinous, and the loyalty of the Commanders--their recent revolt notwithstanding--exceedingly doubtful. As usual, counsels were divided. Batten and Jordan, the two officers who had brought over the fleet from the Parliament, were for sailing to Scotland; others desired to relieve Colchester, which had been seized for the King; Rupert wished to make for the Isle of Wight, where the King was confined; the sailors desired to hover about the Thames and capture returning merchant vessels. Consequently, all that could be done was to hang about the Downs, capturing a few prizes and making occasional a.s.saults upon the English coast. An attack on Deal resulted in the death of Captain Beckman, but the sailors were still unwilling to return to Holland. On the approach of the Parliamentary fleet, commanded by Lord Warwick, it was resolved to fight, but the engagement was prevented,--once by a sudden storm, and again by the contumacy of Batten, who refused to follow Rupert.

Finally, in September it was decided to return to Holland; but Warwick followed the Royalist fleet closely, and there ensued a curious race for the possession of the Helvoetsluys harbour. Warwick gained, and seemed likely to win the day; but a Captain Allen, who happened to be on the sh.o.r.e, came to the aid of the Royalists. As Warwick's s.h.i.+p drew near, Allen signed for the line to draw him in, and, when it was thrown to him, contrived to let Warwick slip back, so that Rupert's s.h.i.+p came in before him. After that, Rupert successfully hauled up all the rest of his fleet, except the ”Convertine,” which came in with the next tide; {224} nevertheless Warwick followed him into the harbour, and for more than a month the hostile fleets remained in this curious position; so close that the sailors could shout to one another, and yet unable to proceed to hostilities, because they were in a neutral harbour.[3]

Sometimes the sailors met on sh.o.r.e, and then brawls arose amongst them.

But much worse was the frequent desertion of Rupert's men. Warwick spared no pains to win them over, and once he even sent an officer to the Prince, with a request that he might speak to his men. Rupert's reply was characteristic: ”The Prince told him, 'Yes, in his hearing; but, if he spake anything amiss he would throw him overboard'.”

Needless to add, the man retired without speaking at all.[4]

Yet in spite of Rupert's vigilance, bribes and other temptations drew some of the s.h.i.+ps over to the enemy, until only nine remained.

Thereupon the Prince manned the ”Convertine” with his most loyal men, furnished her with cannon, and laid her athwart the rest of his fleet.

The Dutch remonstrated against this warlike action, but Rupert answered that if they promised him protection, he would rely on their word; if not, he would himself protect the fleet entrusted to him by the King.

And the Dutch, who seem to have been very compliant towards the young Prince who had grown up amongst them, let him have his way.

The Hague was now the head-quarters of the Prince of Wales, and thither flocked all his old Councillors, besides many other Cavaliers. Faction raged amongst them as violently as ever. ”It was,” says Clarendon, ”no hard matter to get anything disliked that was resolved in the Council.”[5] That the administration of affairs was bad was a point on which every one agreed, but they concurred in nothing else.


Rupert had fallen under the influence of Sir Edward Herbert, the quarrelsome attorney-general, and Hyde and Cottington found themselves eagerly welcomed by these two, who ”inveighed bitterly against the whole administration of the fleet.” Batten, Rupert held for a coward or a traitor; Long, the secretary of the Prince of Wales, for a mere swindler, and, despite his ”changed carriage”, he had not renounced his old hatred of Culpepper. Their mutual animosity ”infinitely disturbed councils,”[6] and was in all respects unfortunate. Their policy was diametrically opposed. Culpepper was for conciliating the English populace, and when the Royalist rising took place in 1648, he was averse to permitting the young Duke of Buckingham to share in it, unless he would declare for the Covenant, ”and such-like popular ways.”

Such views naturally did not find favour with the Prince, who adhered to the young Duke's cause.--”Prince Rupert stuck to itt,” wrote Hatton, ”and we carried it against him;”[7] that is, against Culpepper.

The disputes came to a climax over a question of supply. A cargo of sugar, captured at sea, had to be sold for the payment of the fleet, and Rupert proposed to employ a certain Sir Robert Walsh in the business. Culpepper protested such vehement distrust of the man in question that Rupert took his expressions as reflecting on himself, and haughtily demanded: ”What exceptions there were to Sir Robert Walsh, that he might not be fit for it?” Culpepper returned, nothing daunted, that Walsh was ”a shark, and a fellow not fit to be trusted.”

Whereupon, said Rupert: ”Sir Robert is my friend, and you must not think to meet him but with your sword in your hand, for he is a gentleman and a soldier.” Culpepper, grown reckless of his words, declared fiercely that he would not fight with Walsh, but with the Prince himself, to which Rupert replied, very quietly, ”It is well!”

The Council rose in confusion; but the Prince {226} of Wales, who was greatly agitated, ultimately succeeded in soothing his cousin.

Culpepper proved more implacable, and several days elapsed before he could be induced to offer an apology, which Rupert received graciously.[8]