47 47: Alabasta Kingdom: Nanohana Not Edited (1/1)

Haruno then said to Torryk, who was happily touching his wings: ”Now I'm going to try to fly... I never flew before so it will take time...” After saying it, Haruno released the strength in his wings and stretched them forward, flapping them one time to see if they had sufficient strength. A strong airflow was made by his actions and he thought about some attacks that he could ask if Gaharudo can do it... Like air blades by air vacuum! Well, Haruno's wings are really sensitive so he noticed the change in the air currents around him and said: ”Another storm is coming.” Torryk looked at the sky and when he was about to ask something, raindrops fell in his head, it was raining. Haruno sighed and said: ”Well, I will try to fly tomorrow.” Torryk nodded and they entered the ship interior, where they had a room to themselves.

After a good night of sleep, Haruno woke up early and looking at the blue sky Haruno smiled and let Gaharudo out to teach him how to fly. First, he taught him how to flap his wings, then how to stabilize mid-air and finally he taught him how to use the hot air currents to fly easily. Well, it isn't easy to learn how to fly in one day, the first time Haruno tried to flap his wings it failed and he almost on the sea, after several tries he was completely tired and couldn't move his wings anymore. Torryk however, was extremely excited and asking Haruno to train with him and etcetera... After rest for some time, Haruno continues to train his flying ability, now he can flap his wings and fly but he doesn't know how to stabilize his posture mid-air. He was trying to remember what Gaharudo said to him... Well, it was it, I guess: 'To stabilize mid-air, you need to control your wings and whole body.' Well... Failure after failure when Haruno got how to do it, it was already dawn.

Now he just needs to learn how to move in the hot air currents, well he needs to train combat with his wings too and try to upgrade this skill, like using [Semei-Kikan] on his wings and making grow more wings of even feathers that he threw on someone... That's a good idea. Well, on the second day of training and the fourth day of the journey, Haruno was learning how to use the hot air currents with Gaharudo who flew beside him saying: ”it's easy to detect a hot air current if you use your wings, my lord.” Haruno now knows why his wings are so sensitive! Is to detect the hot air current when flying and the air changes and detect storms easily! It is really useful! But it isn't so easy to fly because there are some predators in the air too! Giant Eagles and other kinds of birds that live in the Grand Line are really aggressive...

Well, with Gaharudo's help he learned how to fly and now he just needs to train it. He landed in the ship and looked at the surprised and stupefied expressions on the other people around him, with a sigh he went beside Torryk to train with him. He learned how to retrieve his wings easily too, he uses SE and BE and the wings in his back simply turn into light spheres and disappears! Cool right? Well, no more pirate ships appeared on their journey to Alabasta... In those days, Torryk trained his Akuma no Mi too, Haruno taught him some things like reflecting the light, air and himself, like Kuma. Using his Reflect Reflect no Mi he can reflect everything so if he reflects himself he can travel like Kuma when using his Paw Paw no Mi. Another idea was reflecting the air and compressing it to use as a bomb, and the light reflection to create illusions and other things.

Torryk was excited when Haruno said it and he was trying to reflect the air to create attacks, well it is obviously something hard to do, some he is trying and trying every day. Haruno had some ideas on how to use his Akuma no Mi too, he could use it with his like using his Akuma no Mi to open portals to distant places! But it uses too much energy... Well, Haruno doesn't know how the Akuma no Mi Awakening works, but he thinks that if his fruits awake, he can teleport distant places! Well, every day Haruno trained his flying skills and how to fight with his wings too and in a blink of an eye, they arrived at their destination! The Alabasta Kingdom! 

They arrived at the Nanohana city, where they will sell their goods and buy some things too. Haruno wasn't interested in this, he got his reward for and left with Torryk, after thinking for some time Haruno decided to live in Alabasta for some time hunting pirates that arrive at the Nanohana port. Well, he will use something to cover his face... Like a mask. Well, Torryk was excited because he never was on another island, just in Loguetown that is his birthplace. Haruno gave him some Berries and said: ”Go buy anything that you want. We see each other here in two hours. Bye brat.” Haruno left to search for food and water and other things while Torryk walked around Nanohana buying everything that caught his attention, like a kid...

Haruno bought desert clothes for himself and Torryk and a camel too, when he talked to the camel he got some information like: ”You need to buy more water because the price will go up in a week.” Or ”There are going to have a sand storm in two days!” But... How does a camel know about it? When he asked it, the camel just said: ”Because I like to hear information. Everything here in Nanohana, I have information about it.” Haruno's luck is surely good... Or it was something called script/plot!!!