Part 9 (1/2)
”Why, the blooming old wreck's going all to pieces, so that we'll each have to pick out a timber, and straddle mighty soon, if it keeps on this way!” Bandy-legs informed him.
This caused Max to take a little survey in order to satisfy himself that what the other said was true. What he discovered did not bring much a.s.surance of comfort. Just as the sharp-eyed chum had declared, the remnant of the broken bridge was being by degrees torn apart by the violence of its fall and the subsequent action of conflicting currents of water.
It materially changed his plans, formed on the spur of the moment, when they had discovered the victims of the flood on the roof of the farmhouse. Instead of taking them off, as he had at first intended, it now began to look as though he and his comrades would be compelled to seek refuge alongside the girls.
This was not a pleasant thought, for Max could see that the building was very near the collapsing point as it was, and might topple over at any minute.
Max was, however, a boy who would accept what fortune offered, and do the best he could with it. Once on the roof, they could turn their attention to some other method of escape; at any rate they had no choice in the matter.
”We've got to climb up where they are, that's plain,” he observed; ”and if this stuff strikes the end of the house we'll be lucky enough.”
”Then do we have to let it go, and be marooned up there?” asked Bandy-legs, in a forlorn tone.
”Looks that way,” Steve went on to say, and somehow he did not seem to share the gloom that had gripped Bandy-legs, possibly because it began to look as though the glorious chance had come at last to show the girls he could do his duty without any boasting, and never meant to pose as a great hero.
”But why can't we hold on to some of these timbers, and make a jolly old raft?” Bandy-legs continued eagerly.
”Hurrah! that's the t-t-ticket!” Toby was heard to remark; ”I never yet read about a R-r-robinson C-c-crusoe but what he made him a r-r-raft!”
”It might be a good idea, boys,” admitted Max, ”but I'm afraid you'll find it more than you can manage. Then besides, even if you did get some of the timbers to stick there, how could you fasten them together so as to make that raft? Show me your ropes and I'll join in with you mighty quick. But it isn't going to be the easiest thing going to climb up that wobbly roof; and we'll all be glad to find ourselves perching up on that ridge-pole with the girls, I think.”
That dampened the enthusiasm and ardor of Bandy-legs considerably.
Like the rest of them he realized that what Max said was about true, and that they could not expect to pay much attention to the parting timbers, once they reached the house. It would be all they could do to get up on the roof.
”Are we going to hit up against it, Max?” asked Steve, struggling between hope and fear, as they rapidly bore down toward the partly submerged farm building.
”Yes, there's no doubt about that,” came the quick reply; ”and come to think of it, we can get up where they are better by working our way around to that lower end to the right. Every fellow look out for himself when the time comes.”
”Give us the word, Max?” Steve asked.
”All right, when you hear me shout 'now,' make your jump, and be sure you've picked out the right place beforehand, or you may drop back again.”
Max could say no more, because they were so close to the little island in the midst of the raging flood that he had to conserve his breath in order to make a successful leap himself.
On the roof crouched the two girls, Bessie French and Mazie Dunkirk, together with a little lame cousin of the former, a girl of about eight. All of them were greatly interested in the coming of the boys, and stared eagerly at the remarkable craft that was bearing them on the surface of the flood. Perhaps they may have already jumped to the conclusion that the whole town of Carson had been inundated and swept away, and that these five lads might be the sole remaining survivors.
That thought would in part account for their white faces; though of course their own perilous situation was enough to give them pale cheeks.
Max was on the alert. Just as the timbers came alongside the lower edge of the roof he shot out that one energetic word:
Immediately every fellow was in motion, and as they had selected their landing places beforehand, they fortunately did not interfere with each other's movements. Such a remarkable scrambling as followed; if you have ever watched a cat that has made too risky a jump, barely get her claws fastened on a limb, and then strain to clamber up, you can imagine something of the efforts of Toby and Bandy-legs in particular, as they did not seem to be quite as fortunate as the others.
But none of them dropped back into the river, and that was worth noticing. The girls continued to utter various exclamations of alarm and excitement as they watched their supposed-to-be rescuers trying to join them on the roof. Bessie even clapped her hands when Bandy-legs after a series of contortions that would have done credit to a professional athlete, managed to crawl over the edge, a.s.sisted by a hand given him, not from Max, nor yet Steve, but the despised Shack Beggs, who seemed to have had no difficulty whatever in making the landing, for he was a muscular fellow, and as wiry as a cat.
So they climbed up the slope of the submerged farm house, and joined those who were already perched along the ridgepole, like so many birds awaiting the time for flight.
Bandy-legs watched the timbers b.u.mping against the side of the house until they parted company, and floated swiftly away in smaller sections. He felt like waving a sad farewell after the strange craft that had borne them all the way down the valley; never would he forget how it looked, pa.s.sing away in pieces, as though its mission had been completed after allowing them to reach the farm-house.
There had been three refugees of the flood on the roof before; now their number had increased to eight. But whether the coming of the boys added anything to the hopefulness of the situation remained to be proved.