Part 42 (1/2)
”I was barred from using my Demonly powers. I was confined to yours. I could have made him love me.”
Jaylin realized that the Demoness was neither bragging nor bluffing. She was speaking literally. That made Jaylin curious. ”Why didn't you cheat?”
Jaylin explained the concept.
”Fascinating! We must have a game with cheating!”
What mischief had Jaylin sown? ”No need.”
”It wouldn't work against another Demon, of course, but a mortal would be easy.”
But it was time to pay attention, for the wedding was in progress. Justin was handsome in a formal black suit, and Breanna was lovely in a full black gown. Even the zombie attendants were formally garbed. King Xeth seemed to be best man, and Zyzzyva Zombie was matron of honor.
”But brides are supposed to wear white,” Jaylin said.
”Why?” Fornax asked.
”To show they're virginal, or something.”
”She is virginal, but prefers black.”
”How do you know that?”
”We are beyond the game. I can be omniscient as usual.”
Jaylin decided not to ask why she had had to ask about white, if she was omniscient. She might get more of an answer than she liked.
”We do miss trifling details on occasion,” Fornax agreed. ”It can be easier to seek mortal interpretation.”
The Demon Grossclout had appeared to conduct the service. Even he seemed slightly awed by some of the members of the audience. ”If there is anyone here who has reason for this union not to be made, let him speak now.” He paused ever so briefly. ”There being no objection-”
Fornax jumped up. ”I have an objection,” she said with Jaylin's voice.
Oh, no! What mischief was this?
Grossclout frowned. Naturally he wasn't fooled by appearances. ”What is your objection, Demoness Fornax?”
”One of the zombies the bride values is to be destroyed after the ceremony. The bride objects.”
Breanna had opened her mouth, surely to protest interference by this particular Demoness. But she paused. ”Which zombie?”
”Palus Putredinus, the zombie dream horse. Mare Imbrium's foal.”
There was an intake of breath across the gathering. Everyone knew Mare Imbri.
”He's to be destroyed?” A small black cloud formed over Breanna's head.
”The Night Stallion will no longer tolerate his existence,” Fornax said.
”Bleep!” The whole a.s.semblage winced at such a crude imprecation from such a lovely bride. ”For sure, I don't want my wedding spoiled by that. Putre really helped us find the Foop. We owe him. Besides, he's a nice horse, and Mare Imbri has had more than enough grief without losing him.”
”He can be saved, if the attending Demons agree,” Fornax said.
”How?” Breanna demanded.
”He can be converted to a mortal horse and banished to Mundania.”
”But that's cruel! No immortal wants to be mortal, and no Xanthian wants to be sent there.”
”He will be glad to go, if-”
”If what, C-T canine?”
”If the Demon Earth accepts him, and he can find a home in Mundania.”
Then at last Jaylin caught on. ”I'll take him!” she cried.
Breanna turned to Justin. That was when Jaylin realized that the Demoness Venus and Demon Earth were not only attending the wedding, they remained with their former hosts. Their emotions had not yet faded, either.
Justin nodded. Evidently the Demon Earth wanted to get this wedding done with so he could return home. Accepting one horse was a small price for avoiding the mischief Breanna would otherwise make. It was perhaps not remarkable that even a Demon was wary of her ire.
Breanna smiled, and the cloud over her head dissipated. ”For sure. Let's get on with the nuptials.”
That was all. But Putre disappeared from beside Jaylin. ”He is there, invisible until you claim him,” Fornax said.
”Thank you,” Jaylin breathed. For the first time, she really appreciated Fornax's presence. The Demoness had delivered.
Now the wedding continued. It was beautiful. Breanna of the Black Wave, having finally grounded her man, was all chocolate sweetness and black light. The couple kissed, and all the women in the audience cried. That included Jaylin.
”Pointless sentimentality,” Fornax sniffed.
”You're crying too!” Jaylin retorted.
”Not by choice.” But after a pause, she added, ”I wish I could marry.”
So her emotion of desire had not yet faded enough. ”Do Demons marry?”
”Not hitherto. But we never had emotions before. At last I understand why Demon Xanth acted as he did. He caught a case of emotion.”
”I guess he did. He and Chlorine have a baby now.”
”A baby. Fascinating.”
”Do Demons have babies?”
”Not hitherto.”
Jaylin shook her head as the ceremony concluded and folk mixed and chatted and went for refreshments. ”I want more of these,” Fornax said as she used Jaylin's mouth to eat a wincing misfortune cookie.