Part 33 (1/2)
”Point made,” Che said, having the wit not to smile. ”Humans are emotional creatures.”
”Oh, I could arouse a centaur too, if-”
”Point made!” Cynthia cried, covering Che's eyes before he could see the centaur filly shape that was forming.
”However, the fact that human beings are governed by their emotions does not mean that demons are,” Justin said. ”Demons really don't have emotions.”
”That's what's weird,” Metria said. ”Suddenly I did have emotions, and if they had been stronger, I think I would have done whatever they wanted.”
”That's it!” Sim squawked. ”Demons have no experience with emotions, so no experience controlling them. Even a slight emotion might rule a demon.”
”Or a Demon,” Justin agreed. ”I believe we have indeed discovered the key. The Swell Foop generates emotions in demons, and surely has the power to do the same with Demons, thereby governing them.”
”That may be the only way a Demon can be controlled,” Cynthia said. ”They are immaterial beings with such enormous power that no physical constraint could be effective.”
”Maybe we'd better wind the Foop back to that setting,” Jaylin suggested.
”For sure!” Breanna agreed. ”Change it back, Justin.”
Justin felt dread. ”I don't remember the precise positioning of the Rings,” he confessed. ”I was changing them randomly.”
”For s.h.i.+p's sake!” she exclaimed.
”For what's sake?” Metria inquired.
”Cargo, load, freight-stop that! We've got to get that setting back!”
”We were all partic.i.p.ating,” Che said. ”Surely someone must have tracked the changes.”
”I did,” Sim squawked.
”Then tell me where the Rings were when Metria had emotions,” Justin said.
Sim did, and Justin reset the Rings. ”Now we must verify it.”
”Just like that?” Jaylin said, surprised as she touched the Foop.
”That's amazing!” Metria exclaimed. ”I'm astonished. Astounded. Stupefied!”
”She's surprised,” Breanna said. ”Maybe for real, this time.”
They verified it with several other emotions. Whatever emotion they thought of when touching the Foop, the demoness reflected. They had the setting correct.
”So are you through vivisecting me?” Metria asked. ”I have a husband I have to send back into nonsensical bliss, and a son I need to collect.”
”You're a family demoness!” Jaylin exclaimed. ”Actually, I knew that, but it seems so-so-”
”Whatever,” Jaylin agreed, forcing a frown. ”But I remember now. You have half a soul, so you have to act halfway decent, for a demon.”
”It's a pain,” Metria agreed. ”I got married to satisfy my curiosity, and Demon Professor Grossclout said I was going to get what was coming to me. I thought it was just an empty threat. But when I got half my mortal husband's soul, I became smart too late. Well, I'm off.” She popped out.
”But what do we do now?” Cynthia asked.
”We had better ask her,” Justin said. ”If we can recall her.”
”Does the Foop have a distance limit?” Che asked.
”We shall find out,” Justin said. He touched the Foop. ”Overwhelming need to return,” he murmured, focusing on Metria. ”Come back to me.”
The demoness reappeared. In fact, she was suddenly plastered against him. ”We've got to stop meeting this way,” she said, kissing him. ”I'm overwhelmed.” Justin was too startled to protest.
”Wrong motive,” Breanna said, annoyed. ”Get into your own s.p.a.ce.”
”But I thought he really needed me.”
”Like a c.o.c.katrice on his nose, he needs you.”
The demoness pried her torso away from Justin's front with a faint sucking sound. ”I just couldn't leave you folk like that,” she said. ”That half soul is really a drag.”
”It wasn't your conscience,” Justin said, recovering a portion of his equilibrium. The demoness did know how to kiss! ”We drew you back with the Foop, because we have another question.”
”Oh. I thought you needed me.”
”I'll bet!” Breanna said ferociously.
”It seems she was required to answer the call,” Che said, ”but allowed some interpretation in the manner of it. That is generally mischief.”
Metria nodded knowingly. ”So what's the question?”
”The question,” Cynthia repeated, ”is what do we do now?”
The demoness looked flattered. It was of course pretense, but an apt emulation. ”You mean you actually want my opinion?”
”Strong desire to help,” Justin murmured, touching the Foop.
Metria considered. ”Now that you have it working, I think you need to go to a higher power. This is capital D Demon business. Talk with Demon Xanth.” She faded, except for her mouth, which floated across and caught Justin's mouth with another pa.s.sionate kiss.
”Bleep!” Breanna swore, firing off the blackest of looks. But the mouth was laughing as it dissipated into mist.
Cynthia was nodding. ”That does seem good.”
”It's no good! I'll kiss him better than that.”
Justin wasn't sure of that, but knew better than to say so. He loved Breanna, but it was evidently hard for an eighteen-year-long life to compete with the experience of centuries.
”Cynthia means the advice,” Che said, his face struggling with an expression.
”I knew that! And that better not be a smile pus.h.i.+ng out your muzzle, horseface!”