Part 21 (1/2)
”Well, that does not reverse time,” Sim squawked before he thought.
”It reverses things all the time,” Smash said. ”We have some we use against hostile magic. You are welcome to borrow it.”
”I wonder,” Becka said, ”if it could reverse the Factor's spell.”
”Why not?” Garnishee screeched.
”Then again, maybe it wood. I mean would,” Sim squawked, reconsidering. ”Certainly we could try it.”
Smash brought out a little bundle of chips. He carried it carefully by a string so that it did not touch him. ”You do have to be careful with this stuff,” he said. ”You never can tell what it will do. But usually it reverses the effect of magic.”
”We'll try it,” Sim squawked.
Smash dropped the bag. It fell open, letting chips spread out. They stood around it, then each person picked up a chip at the same time.
Suddenly they were going backward. They were reversing what they had just been doing. Soon they were running backward toward the tangle tree, and getting caught up in it. ”!eyb-eyB,” Esk cried, waving a chubby arm as the ogre family retreated from the tree. At least, that was the way Sim heard it.
Before (or after) long they were standing before the tree, and then they were back in Castle Maidragon, and Sim was closing the door with his wing. They were back, and the reverse wood was gone.
”We're back,” Becka breathed, visibly relieved.
”That was scary,” Garnishee said, for once forgetting to screech. ”Let's not do it again.”
”But I haven't gotten the Ring of Air,” Sim squawked. ”I can't depart until I have completed my mission.”
”Look, you blithering moronic fool of an idiot!” the harpy screeched. ”That randy factor changes our bleeping reality every time we open that door! Are you too dim to get the message? DON'T OPEN THAT DOOR!!”
Becka nodded agreement. ”When Princess Melody and the Dastard opened that door, there was inferno to pay. She lost her soul.”
”I remember. I know it is dangerous. But I have to get that Ring.”
The girl and the harpy exchanged a look of rare mutual understanding. ”Maybe you should get out of range before the next siege,” Garnishee screeched quietly to her. ”After all, you're responsible for the maintenance of Castle Maidragon.”
”And all things in it,” Becka agreed. ”But I don't think I can desert a visitor in need, especially when his errand is important. So I think I will just have to take the risk, though it terrifies me.”
”It scares the undead p.o.o.p out of me,” the zombie harpy agreed. ”But what's gotta be done, gotta be done.”
Sim realized that these frightened females were in their fas.h.i.+on supporting him. They were showing true courage and honor. He was frightened too, but they were shaming him into courage of his own.
Courage and honor. Suddenly he had a notion. ”I think the Random Factor has the Ring of Air,” he squawked. ”And that all I have to do is take it from him. All I have to do is reach him and demand it. Because I am the designated Ring Holder. I believe I can do this alone, so you ladies need not expose yourselves to further mischief.”
”Ladies!” Garnishee screeched derisively. ”I'm a harpy! Well, actually, a zombie. Not a lady.”
”And I'm a girl,” Becka said. ”Actually, a dragon. Not a lady.”
”It requires more than lineage or age to make a lady,” Sim squawked. ”It takes character. Both of you are filling the role. But there is no need for you to risk yourselves further. Go elsewhere in the castle while I brace the Random Factor again.”
This time they didn't bother to exchange glances. ”No,” they said almost together. ”You may need us.”
Sim nodded. ”Then I hope I do not bring disaster upon you both. I must brace the Random Factor and take the Ring from him, whatever the cost.”
”My turn,” Becka said. She opened the door. This time she put her foot in place so that the door could not automatically close.
The Factor was there. He gestured. Sim suffered a moment of disorientation. Then the scene clarified. He was standing in the doorway, his foot bracing it open. The Factor remained in place, unmoving, evidently waiting for them to open the door again, not realizing that it hadn't closed.
There was a squawk behind him. Sim looked-and saw himself, with a crazed look on his beak. Beside him stood Garnishee, looking quite startled.
His foot was in the door? Sim glanced down, and saw a nicely formed human leg with a delicate slipper. He was in Becka's body!
”I think I know the source of your confusion,” he said. ”We have exchanged bodies. I am Sim.”
”I am Becka,” the zombie harpy said.
”I am Garnishee,” Sim's body squawked.
”Because Becka had the wit to brace the door open, it can't close,” Sim said. ”It seems that the Random Factor's actions are triggered by the opening of the door. It can't open because it hasn't yet closed, and the Factor is in stasis. We are for the moment in command of the situation.”
”In the wrong bodies!” the harpy body cried.
”I think that can be rectified in a moment. Please, one of you come brace this door open so I can go to the Factor.”
They didn't question this. Both came forward and wedged their bodies into the doorway, forcing the door farther open. When Sim was sure it was secure, he removed his-Becka's-foot and walked up to the still figure. ”I have come to take what is mine,” he said. He looked at the Factor's hands, and sure enough, there was an air-colored Ring on one little finger. Sim used Becka's hands to hold the Factor's hand and pry off the Ring. He put it on his-her-own little finger, where it fit nicely. ”Thank you.”
”Did you get it?” the harpy body called anxiously.
”I did.” Sim approached them. ”I am uncertain how to use this Ring, so may fumble at first, but please bear with me.” He lifted the hand bearing the Ring. ”O Ring of Air, I invoke you,” he said. ”You command the creatures of air. We are three creatures of air-a harpy, a winged dragon currently in girl form, and a big bird. Return us to our proper bodies.”
There was another brief disorientation. Then he found himself jammed next to the zombie harpy, wedging the door open. Before them stood Becka. ”You did it!” she said. ”But I think I have something of yours.” She removed the Ring from her little finger and handed it to him.
”But I don't have a finger,” he squawked.
”You have a toe, dummy!” Garnishee screeched.
True. Sim lifted his left foot, and Becka slid the Ring over the claw and onto his smallest toe. The Ring settled comfortably into place, exactly the right size. ”Thank you,” he squawked.
”Let's just get out of here,” Becka said anxiously.
”You two get out; I will hold the door.”
They didn't argue. They squeezed by him into the hall. Then Sim squeezed through too, leaving only his foot in place. Then he jerked out that foot, and the door swung closed. They were safe and in their own bodies.
”That Ring has a lot of power,” Becka said.
”Yes. And now my portion of this mission is accomplished. I will take the Ring and meet with the others.”
”And I'll return to Castle Zombie,” Garnishee screeched sadly.