Part 5 (1/2)

The people, having sufficiently recovered from their shock to jostle one another out of the building, stood huddled together like a flock of frightened sheep; but when the cavalcade had driven off, a subdued clamor of voices arose, all unanimous in contempt for ”dese here po'

white, who'd ha' knowed better 'n to come meddlin' long o' Marster's folks ef Marster wan't down on de bed an' mos' like to die!”

That the dull and simple brain of the old man should have been capable of any formulated plan is not to be imagined, and when upon the following day he was taken before the justice for examination, he merely acted from an instinct of affection in s.h.i.+elding his young master, even at the risk of his own life. When questioned, he preserved an obstinate silence; then, when forced to speak, denied having seen either of the boys upon the day of their disappearance, but, when cross-questioned, admitted that he had seen Mars Phil in the Vine Ridge woods; and finally, when taxed with the blood upon the ground and with having hidden the guns, he reluctantly admitted that ”ef Mars Phil had been hurted” he had done it.

”What did you do with the body?” questioned the justice; ”throw it in the river?”

A murmur from the prisoner, which pa.s.sed for a.s.sent, concluded the examination, and the justice, sorely puzzled, committed him to jail to await his trial.

With the early morning, the country people had begun to gather around the courthouse, and when told that the old miscreant had actually confessed to the murder, their innate love of justice gave place to fierce anger; and when the prisoner, gray with terror, bent and tottering, was led forth, he was surrounded by a silent but determined crowd, who, thrusting the sheriffs aside, seized and drove him before them, and had already slipped the noose about his neck, when an inarticulate shout caused the crowd to sway,--a horseman dashed into their midst and proclaimed that both boys were alive. Their disappearance had been explained on that morning by a letter forwarded by hand, which ran as follows:--

On Board the Chieftain.

Dear Uncle,--This afternoon, while hunting in the Vine Ridge woods, Phil's gun went off and wounded him in the side. I was at my wit's end what to do, when I heard the Chieftain blow up the river; so I tore off to the levee, where I was lucky enough to succeed in attracting Captain Smith's attention, who sent off a boat, and we managed to get Phil on board. I wanted Smith to put back to our landing, but he thought the current too strong; and on the whole, I believe it is better for Phil to keep on to Hilton, as it would be impossible to get a doctor at home in this high water. Phil's hurt is not very serious, I hope.

Your dutiful nephew,

Harry Brace.

On the day succeeding Harry's homecoming, he entered the room designated the ”study,” in which the Squire was usually to be found when indoors.

The room probably owed the name of ”study” to a set of _Farmer's Magazines_ which, in all the dignity of expensive bindings, divided the shelf with a rather damaged edition of ”The Turf Register,” a ”Farrier's Manual,” a brace of antiquated medical works, and a stack of newspapers. Fis.h.i.+ng tackle, a cupping apparatus, a set of engineering instruments, half a dozen ears of extra fine seed corn, medicine scales, and a huge cotton stock filled the rest of the bookcase.

The Squire, seated before a blazing fire, in the lazy comforts of convalescence, with pipe and tobacco at his elbow, presented a not unenviable picture when contrasted with the wintry grayness outside.

Harry, who had been greatly touched by the old hog-feeder's affectionate fidelity, now sought his uncle in order to beg that as a recompense he might be given his freedom.

”Freedom!” exclaimed the Squire; ”why, confound it, my dear boy, what would he do with freedom, if he had it?”

”I think he would like it,” Harry murmured, a little sheepishly.

”Why, he's as free as air now; a deuced sight freer than I am.”

Nevertheless Harry gained his point, and though the Squire growled, ”You young jackanapes, you've robbed me of the best hog-feeder on the river,” still he was evidently pleased, and in the evening old Jerry was sent for.

When, in answer to the summons, Jerry presented himself at the study door, his master said to him, with a stateliness fitted to the occasion:--

”Jerry, I have sent for you to tell you that your young master here, as a reward for your fidelity, desires to give you your freedom.”

Here the Squire paused, and Jerry, not knowing what else to say, said, ”Yes, Marster.”

Harry, standing by, was feeling rather wrought up, while the Squire, also somewhat excited, continued:--

”I will give you a house in the free settlement, out in the slashes, and your young master will always take care of you.”

Another rather disconcerting pause was broken by a second ”Yes, Marster;” and the old man, picking up his hat, shuffled out.

The Squire glanced at Harry with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, but the boy's face expressed such blank disappointment that he took pity upon him, and, picking up a newspaper, dismissed the matter.