A13chapter 10 Part1 (2/2)

”Your Majesty, she is now land, then do not touch her”

Under the ht, his ebony hair is like that of satin His silver eyes coldly glared down at the king of his fatherland

Perhaps an intangible fear of Duarte overtook his body Lucius was actually stunned for a moment

Lin Ling took the opportunity of Lucius's pause She quickly climbed out of the couch and hid behind Duarte's back

”Your Majesty, I take my leave”

Duarte grabbed her hand and walked out of the palace

Outside the palace, he can feel the girl's treers were closely intertwined with his, as though seeking some kind of protection Her face was pale and expression lifeless She looked very, very frightened It was obvious to see she have yet to recover fro experience just now

It hurts hi buried slowly bubbled back up

”Why are your hands bloodied?”

He finally noticed the blood on her hands He recalled the roses scattered on the floor, and realized the cause of it He questioned her to reaffirm this


She kept silent and rabbed those roses She did not even notice the pain on her palm

”You really are a stupid woman”

He tore off a piece of his toga and gingerly wrapped up her wound