A13chapter 5 Part2 (1/2)

”You're awake” It was a brief sentence It had a dignified tone to it, but one can pick out the concern the speaker had

A chill grasped Lin Ling's heart She now understood the situation she is in now She quickly glanced around All around her are green stone walls (?) It was obvious to see that the walls ell-polished The bricks were arranged to show intuitive patterns and relief sculpture However, the dreariness the colour green brought forth had overwhel aesthetics There are s but the curtains are closed She could not see the outside world, nor could she see the sunlight pouring in

TL: Wut Green stone walls Wut

Even sounds are lost to her

She looked around the rooht colours, it could not weaken the dreary atmosphere of this space

”This is our teundy”

Duarte lighted another two candles

”The war between England and Roo and till now, it is still at a stalemate”

”I think it'sNo matter what, Arthur will be the final victor”

”Is that so?”

His tone changed

”By the way, that wound looks quite serious I have never seen such wounds”

Lin Ling still feel a slight pain on her shoulder She looked down, and saw that it was already bandaged

”W-Who tend to my wounds?”

”Do you see anyone else here but me? You're welcomed”

The corner of his mouth turned upwards

What?! T-Then that means H-He saw Heavens! Just how er rose up in her The colour of her cheeks switched between pale white and beet red She frowned and gritted her teeth She looked up and cried out

”Just what do you want?!”

TL: Angry = white Ereen The different colours when describing facial expressions in Chinese

Duarte grinned

TL: Bla bla decorative sentences that wasn't translated ????????,?????????????????,????,?????????????。

”Of course, it's to bring you to Rome”

Lin Ling's heart sank, but she acted calnore him No matter what, she needs to think of a way to escape froain

”Percival, I will leave Lin Ling to you”

Duarte spoke gently while he faced the door As soon as he finished his words, a young man's voice can be heard from outside the door

Lin Ling stared in shock at the person in front of her

”Xiao Per! Why are you still working for him? You should be at Arthur's side instead!”


As soon as their eyes linted

Duarte turned to leave as soon as he gave out the command

”Xiao Per, what are you today? Evil? Good?”

Once Duarte left the rooht to see which persona he is wearing now

”How did you injure your shoulder? Does it hurt?”