Part 3 (1/2)

2nd GOLD CIRCLE--Commence at the 1 plain between the stars, 3 chain, miss 6, 1 plain in the 4 chain of the last circle (5 chain, miss 4 and 1 plain in the 4 chain of last circle 5 times), 3 chain, miss 6, 1 plain in the centre st.i.tch over the 3 plain gold. Repeat from the commencement all round.

MAUVE CIRCLE--Commence in the 1st 3 chain of the last circle between the stars, work (6 chain, miss 5 and 1 plain in the 5 gold chain 6 times), 1 chain, miss 3, 1 plain in the 3 chain. Repeat all round, and fasten off.



_Materials--White and Magenta Single Berlin Wool, Penelope Needle No.

2. For the Stars, Gold Twine or a skein of Crochet Silk, Tatting Pin No. 3, and a small Shuttle._


With the gold work a Diamond as page 4.

1st round--With the magenta wool and crochet needle commence in one of the pearl loops of the diamond, work 3 chain and 1 plain in each of the twelve pearl loops; fasten off.

2nd round--With white wool commence in one of the three chains between the ovals of the diamond, work 4 chain, 1 plain in the same 3 chain; 2 chain, miss 1, 1 plain in the next 3 chain; 4 chain, miss 1, 1 plain in the next 3 chain; 2 chain, miss 1, 1 plain in the next 3 chain; repeat 3 times more, and fasten off.

With the gold work 16 s.e.xagon Stars as page 4.

1st WHITE STAR--Commence in a pearl loop of one of the gold stars, work (5 chain and 1 plain in the next pearl loops 5 times), 3 chain, take the diamond and join to the centre of the 4 chain over one of the ovals of it, 2 chain, 1 plain in the 1st pearl; fasten off.

Work 3 Stars more the same, always joining over the ovals of the diamond.

1st MAGENTA STAR--Commence in a pearl loop of a gold star, work (5 chain and 1 plain in the next pearls 3 times), 3 chain, join to the 1st loop of chain of a white star, 2 chain, 1 plain in the next pearl, 3 chain, join to the next 4 chain of the diamond, 2 chain, 1 plain in the pearl, 3 chain, join to the next loop of the 2nd white star, 2 chain, 1 plain in the pearl; fasten off.

2nd MAGENTA STAR--Commence in a pearl of a star, work (5 chain and 1 plain as before 4 times), 3 chain, join to the 2nd loop of chain of the 1st white star, which is to the left of the magenta star, 2 chain, 1 plain as before, 3 chain, join to the next loop of the magenta star, 2 chain, 1 plain; fasten off.

3rd MAGENTA STAR--Work as the last star, making the first joining to the 1st loop of the 1st magenta star, and the second joining to the next white star.

Repeat these 3 Magenta Stars 3 times more, that is, between each of the white stars.

Then with the gold, work 8 Octagon Stars, as page 4.

1st LARGE MAGENTA STAR--Commence in a pearl loop of one of the stars, work (6 chain and 1 plain in a pearl loop 5 times), 3 chain; take the 3rd magenta star, which is to the left of a white one, and join to the 1st loop of it, 3 chain, 1 plain as before, 3 chain, join to the loop of the white star, 3 chain, 1 plain, 3 chain, join to the 4th loop of the next magenta star, 3 chain, 1 plain; fasten off.

Work 3 Stars more the same.

1st GOLD CIRCLE--Commence in the centre loop of the 1st s.e.xagon Star, work 3 chain, 1 plain in the next loop of the next s.e.xagon Star, then (5 chain and 1 plain in the next loops of the stars 10 times); 3 chain, 1 plain in the centre loop of the 1st star; repeat from commencement and fasten off.

LARGE WHITE STAR--Commence in a gold star, work (6 chain and 1 plain 4 times), 3 chain, join to the centre of the 2nd 5 chain of the last circle, 3 chain, 1 plain in the next pearl, 3 chain, join to the next 5 chain, 3 chain, 1 plain, 3 chain, join to the next 5 chain, missing the two loops between the stars; 3 chain, 1 plain, 3 chain, join to the next 5 chain, 3 chain, 1 plain; fasten off.

Work 3 stars more the same, leaving 6 loops of the gold between them.