Part 19 (2/2)
That lame comment was just an invitation for catastrophe.
While Betty and Luis chatted and shared strategy tips, I observed the other compet.i.tors as they ran through their paces. I recognized the side-glances, the silent sizing-up of the other racers, and the occasional condescending backhanded compliments meant to chip away at someone's confidence. The similarity wasn't lost on me-whether a beauty pageant or a wiener race, the need to win pulsed through every true compet.i.tor.
I didn't miss the mind games and subterfuge.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Darby taking candid photos near the track. I waved until she saw me. She waved back and pointed toward the starting gates. I guess we were supposed to meet her there.
”Great. Look who's coming,” grumbled one of the female doxie owners. She pointed behind us.
We all turned and watched Lenny and Pickles chase Hagan toward us. I wasn't sure if she was unhappy about the arrival of Lenny or Hagan. I looked forward to chatting with each of them. I had a few questions pertaining to their respective relations.h.i.+p with the Eriksens.
”Don't ignore me,” Lenny shouted at Hagan's back.
Lenny no longer looked as refreshed as he had this morning. He looked rumpled and dirty. The bottom of his s.h.i.+rt was torn, and there was a black smudge of what I suspected could be grease on the leg of his shorts.
Hagan, who was definitely ignoring Lenny, tromped toward us with long strides. He stopped at the gate and announced, ”I'm here to inform all of you the race will start in fifteen minutes.”
Betty and Luis high-fived; the other owners cheered.
”You got Barney's chicken?” Betty elbowed Luis. He grinned, patting the f.a.n.n.y pack.
”Game on, Chloe.” Xena The Princess Warrior picked up her pooch and kissed her soft head.
Lenny marched up behind Hagan. He grabbed him with a brawny hand and yanked him around. ”You have to disqualify the witch.” He poked him in the chest with his beefy finger. ”I told ya she was cheatin'. You should have listened to me.”
Hagan straightened his narrow shoulders, then stared down his beakish nose into Lenny's angry face. ”I beg your pardon.” His Cary Grant accent was extra thick, magnifying his indignation.
”Beg all you want, but you can't have it. I was right. You have to kick Gia Eriksen and her dog out of the race.” Lenny cracked his knuckles.
Hagan held his hands out, palms up. ”I don't have proof of any misdeed.”
He didn't seem particularly upset about that either. I had to admit, with my newfound information I looked at Hagan in a new way. What I once found as awkwardly endearing facial features now looked somewhat creepy and sinister.
Lenny's face turned brick red. ”Yes, you do. You don't want to admit it.” He jabbed a finger in my direction. ”Tell him, Melinda.”
Great, why was I being dragged into his fight?
I walked over to where Lenny stood, keeping the fence between us for good measure. ”How do you know about that? We didn't tell anyone.” And I highly doubted Daniel or Malone had informed him.
His red-rimmed eyes stared at me unapologetically. ”I saw the police bring Gia's water bottle to the veterinarian tent. Pickles and I stood by the door and listened.”
I leaned forward catching a whiff of his minty fresh breath. Was the guy drinking mouthwash? Maybe he was attempting to mask an alcohol smell with mouthwash.
”You eavesdropped?” Betty asked, appalled.
I kept my mouth shut. You already know where I stand on that topic.
He snarled. ”d.a.m.n straight I did. I wasn't about to let evidence get swept under the rug this time.”
This time? As in, there had been evidence of cheating in the past? Fallon had mentioned Lenny had argued with a judge last year. Could it have been about cheating? A year was a long time to carry a grudge.
I looked at Hagan. His face was emotionless, but his fixed eyes a.s.sessed the situation. Probably calculating a way out.
”I heard the cop tell the doc that Melinda had seen Gia give whatever was inside the water bottle to Zippy.” Lenny's face contorted into a hardened mask of scorn. ”You have to act Hagan. You have to disqualify Zippy from the race.”
The sun disappeared behind a dark billowy cloud. I rubbed my arm, feeling suddenly chilled. An eerie quiet settled around us as we all waited to hear what Hagan Stone would decide.
One way or the other, someone was bound to end up very unhappy.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
HAGAN RECOVERED quickly. His face softened, and his eyebrows drew together in concern. ”Is it true, Melinda? Do you have proof Gia Eriksen was cheating?”
I couldn't figure this guy out. Was he mad or concerned? ”I did. I gave the water bottle to Detective Malone. I believe Dr. Darling has it now.”
He formed a steeple with his fingers and rested them against his lips. With all eyes on Hagan and Lenny, no one noticed Gia waltz up to the gate, Zippy in tow, until she opened her mouth and whined. ”Are you talking about me, Lenny?”
I blinked a few times. This was the first time I'd seen her up close since the fight. Gia's face was battered and bruised. She'd managed to pull her black hair into a messy ponytail. Her designer clothes were grimy; her torn collar hung on by a handful of st.i.tches. Gia's swollen lips pouted her displeasure at our horrified stares.
”What the h.e.l.l happened to you?” Lenny bellowed.
”She got into a girl fight with her dead husband's mistress. But don't you worry. Gia kicked her b.u.t.t. That is, until the cops arrived and broke it up.” Betty beamed with admiration.
Good grief, next she'd ask for her autograph. I was concerned that Gia might need medical treatment. ”Did you have someone at the first aid station look you over? Make sure you're okay?”
”I'm perfectly fine,” she snapped.
She obviously hadn't looked in a mirror recently.
Lenny narrowed his eyes and glared at her. ”You were caught fighting by the cops, cheating by the doc, and Hagan refuses to disqualify you. Are you two sleeping together?” His accusatory tone reverberated throughout the park. ”What other explanation could there be?”
All eyes were glued on Gia and Hagan. Heck, I've learned over the past few years, anything was possible. I felt a little remiss that I hadn't thought of that possibility myself.
”That's enough.” Hagan sounded very un-Cary-Grant-like.
Gia waved her hand in front of her as if to dismiss all of the overwhelming evidence of her misdeeds and any possibility of her fornicating with the Chairman of the Board.
”This is all the filmmaker's fault. She obviously wasn't a professional. She believed Lenny and has managed to somehow turn everyone against me.”
I shook my head. This was suddenly Stephanie's fault? I wasn't following her logic. Maybe she had a head injury.