Part 20 (1/2)
He followed the sound of the night-bird's wings.
Why did you not go with him?
He left me behind to give you hope.
When did he go?
In the first hour of the watch.
Now the third hour has pa.s.sed, I think. The air is chilly.
I dreamt that three women, with their hair hanging loose----
Oh, leave off your dream-women. I am sick of your dreams.
Everything appears darkly ominous. I didn't notice before the hooting of the owl. But now----
Do you hear that dog whining on the far bank of the river?
It seems as though a witch were riding upon him and las.h.i.+ng him.
Surely, if it had been possible, Chandra would have come back by now.
How I wish this night were over.
Do you hear the woman's cry?
Oh, the women, the women. They are ever crying and weeping. But they cannot turn those back, who must go forward.
It is getting unbearable to sit still like this. Men imagine all sorts of things when they sit still. Let us go also. As soon as we are started on our way fear will leave us.
But who will show us the way?
There is the blind Minstrel.
What do you say, Minstrel? Can you show us the way?
But we can hardly believe you. How can you find out the path by simply singing?
If Chandra never comes back, you shall.
We never knew that we loved Chandra so intensely. We made light of him all these days.
When we are in the playing mood, we become so intent on the play, that we neglect the playmate.